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双语全文!中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革 推进中国式现代化的决定

发布日期:2025-01-04 12:31    点击次数:107
登录新浪财经APP 搜索【信披】查看更多考评等级 中共中央关于进一步全面深化改革推进中国式现代化的决定Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization(2024年7月18日中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议通过)(Adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on July 18, 2024)为贯彻落实党的二十大作出的战略部署,二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议研究了进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化问题,作出如下决定。In order to implement the strategic plans made at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the 20th CPC Central Committee studied the issue of further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization at its third plenary session. On this basis, it adopted this resolution.一、进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的重大意义和总体要求I. Great Significance and Overall Requirements(1)进一步全面深化改革的重要性和必要性。改革开放是党和人民事业大踏步赶上时代的重要法宝。党的十一届三中全会是划时代的,开启了改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期。党的十八届三中全会也是划时代的,开启了新时代全面深化改革、系统整体设计推进改革新征程,开创了我国改革开放全新局面。(1) Importance and necessityReform and opening up have been crucial to the cause of the Party and the people, enabling us to catch up with the times in great strides. The third plenary session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was a landmark event that ushered in a new period: one of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization. The third plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was also of epoch-making significance. It marked the start of a new journey of comprehensively deepening reform in the new era with systematic and holistic plans, thus paving the way for a brand new stage in China’s reform and opening up endeavors.以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全党全军全国各族人民,以伟大的历史主动、巨大的政治勇气、强烈的责任担当,冲破思想观念束缚,突破利益固化藩篱,敢于突进深水区,敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩,坚决破除各方面体制机制弊端,实现改革由局部探索、破冰突围到系统集成、全面深化的转变,各领域基础性制度框架基本建立,许多领域实现历史性变革、系统性重塑、整体性重构,总体完成党的十八届三中全会确定的改革任务,实现到党成立一百周年时各方面制度更加成熟更加定型取得明显成效的目标,为全面建成小康社会、实现党的第一个百年奋斗目标提供有力制度保障,推动我国迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has, with great historical initiative, tremendous political courage, and a strong sense of mission, united and led the entire Party, the military, and Chinese people of all ethnic groups in unshackling their thinking and breaking down the barriers erected by vested interests. We have dared to brave uncharted waters, grapple with tough problems, and navigate potential dangers and have worked resolutely to remove institutional obstacles in all areas. As a result, reform has evolved from a variety of trials and breakthroughs limited to certain areas into an integrated drive being advanced across the board. Foundational institutional frameworks have been basically put in place in all sectors, and historic, systemic, and holistic transformations have been achieved in many fields. Overall, we have accomplished the reform tasks set at the third plenary session of the 18th Central Committee and attained our objective of achieving marked results in making all institutions more mature and better-defined by the time of the Party’s centennial in 2021. All this has provided strong institutional support for completing the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and set China on a new journey toward building a modern socialist country in all respects.当前和今后一个时期是以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业的关键时期。中国式现代化是在改革开放中不断推进的,也必将在改革开放中开辟广阔前景。面对纷繁复杂的国际国内形势,面对新一轮科技革命和产业变革,面对人民群众新期待,必须继续把改革推向前进。这是坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的必然要求,是贯彻新发展理念、更好适应我国社会主要矛盾变化的必然要求,是坚持以人民为中心、让现代化建设成果更多更公平惠及全体人民的必然要求,是应对重大风险挑战、推动党和国家事业行稳致远的必然要求,是推动构建人类命运共同体、在百年变局加速演进中赢得战略主动的必然要求,是深入推进新时代党的建设新的伟大工程、建设更加坚强有力的马克思主义政党的必然要求。改革开放只有进行时,没有完成时。全党必须自觉把改革摆在更加突出位置,紧紧围绕推进中国式现代化进一步全面深化改革。The present and the near future constitute a critical period for our endeavor to build a great country and move toward national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization. As Chinese modernization has been advanced continuously through reform and opening up, it will surely embrace broader horizons through further reform and opening up. To deal with complex developments both at home and abroad, adapt to the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and live up to the new expectations of our people, it is vital that we continue to advance reform. Advancing reform is essential for upholding and improving the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernizing China’s system and capacity for governance, for putting the new development philosophy into practice and better adapting to the evolution in the principal contradiction in Chinese society, and for adhering to a people-centered approach to see that the gains of modernization benefit all our people fairly. It is also crucial for responding to major risks and challenges and ensuring steady and sustained progress in the cause of the Party and the country, for promoting the development of a human community with a shared future and winning the strategic initiative amid accelerating global changes of a like not seen in a century, and for further advancing the great new project of Party building in the new era and making our Marxist party stronger. Reform and opening up are an ongoing endeavor rather than a task to be completed. All of us in the Party must consciously give more prominence to reform and further deepen reform comprehensively with a view to advancing Chinese modernization.(2)进一步全面深化改革的指导思想。坚持马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观,全面贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于全面深化改革的一系列新思想、新观点、新论断,完整准确全面贯彻新发展理念,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、求真务实,进一步解放和发展社会生产力、激发和增强社会活力,统筹国内国际两个大局,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,以经济体制改革为牵引,以促进社会公平正义、增进人民福祉为出发点和落脚点,更加注重系统集成,更加注重突出重点,更加注重改革实效,推动生产关系和生产力、上层建筑和经济基础、国家治理和社会发展更好相适应,为中国式现代化提供强大动力和制度保障。(2) Guiding philosophyWe must stay committed to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development and fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We must thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s new ideas, viewpoints, and conclusions on comprehensively deepening reform and fully and faithfully apply the new development philosophy on all fronts. We must adhere to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability and continue to free our minds, seek truth from facts, move with the times, and take a realistic and pragmatic approach, as we work to further unleash and develop the productive forces and tap into and boost the vitality of our society. Keeping in mind both domestic and international imperatives, we will ensure coordinated implementation of the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy. Regarding economic structural reform as the spearhead and greater social fairness and justice and increased wellbeing of the people as our ultimate objectives, we will channel greater energy into making our reforms integrated, focused, and effective. We will work to better adapt the relations of production to the productive forces, the superstructure to the economic base, and national governance to social development so as to provide strong impetus and institutional support for Chinese modernization.(3)进一步全面深化改革的总目标。继续完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。到二〇三五年,全面建成高水平社会主义市场经济体制,中国特色社会主义制度更加完善,基本实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,基本实现社会主义现代化,为到本世纪中叶全面建成社会主义现代化强国奠定坚实基础。(3) Overall objectivesWe will continue to improve and develop the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernize China’s system and capacity for governance. By 2035, we will have finished building a high-standard socialist market economy in all respects, further improved the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, generally modernized our system and capacity for governance, and basically realized socialist modernization. All of this will lay a solid foundation for building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects by the middle of this century. In particular, we will focus on achieving the following objectives: ——聚焦构建高水平社会主义市场经济体制,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,更好发挥政府作用,坚持和完善社会主义基本经济制度,推进高水平科技自立自强,推进高水平对外开放,建成现代化经济体系,加快构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展。—Building a high-standard socialist market economy. We will see that the market plays the decisive role in resource allocation and that the government better fulfills its role. We will uphold and improve China’s basic socialist economic systems, achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology, and promote high-standard opening up. We will build a modernized economy, move faster to create a new pattern of development, and promote high-quality development. ——聚焦发展全过程人民民主,坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,推动人民当家作主制度更加健全、协商民主广泛多层制度化发展、中国特色社会主义法治体系更加完善,社会主义法治国家建设达到更高水平。—Advancing whole-process people’s democracy. We will uphold the unity between leadership by the Party, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance. We will improve the institutions through which the people run the country, promote extensive, multilevel, and institutionalized development of consultative democracy, and refine the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics. We will move to a higher stage in building a socialist country under the rule of law. ——聚焦建设社会主义文化强国,坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域指导地位的根本制度,健全文化事业、文化产业发展体制机制,推动文化繁荣,丰富人民精神文化生活,提升国家文化软实力和中华文化影响力。—Developing a strong socialist culture in China. We will uphold the foundational system for ensuring the guiding role of Marxism in the ideological domain and improve the institutions and mechanisms for developing cultural programs and industries. We will promote cultural prosperity, enrich the intellectual and cultural lives of our people, and enhance China’s cultural soft power and the appeal of Chinese culture. ——聚焦提高人民生活品质,完善收入分配和就业制度,健全社会保障体系,增强基本公共服务均衡性和可及性,推动人的全面发展、全体人民共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展。—Improving the people’s quality of life. We will refine the income distribution, employment, and social security systems, make basic public services more balanced and accessible, and facilitate more notable, substantive progress in promoting people’s well-rounded development and common prosperity for all. ——聚焦建设美丽中国,加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型,健全生态环境治理体系,推进生态优先、节约集约、绿色低碳发展,促进人与自然和谐共生。—Building a Beautiful China. We will ramp up the green transition in all areas of economic and social development and improve the environmental governance system. We will prioritize ecological protection, conserve resources and use them efficiently, and pursue green and low-carbon development, with a view to promoting harmony between humanity and nature. ——聚焦建设更高水平平安中国,健全国家安全体系,强化一体化国家战略体系,增强维护国家安全能力,创新社会治理体制机制和手段,有效构建新安全格局。—Advancing the Peaceful China Initiative to a higher level. We will strengthen the national security system, enhance integration between national strategies, and improve our capacity to safeguard national security. We will create new institutions, mechanisms, and methods for social governance and build a new security architecture. ——聚焦提高党的领导水平和长期执政能力,创新和改进领导方式和执政方式,深化党的建设制度改革,健全全面从严治党体系。—Improving the Party’s capacity for leadership and long-term governance. We will develop new and improved ways of exercising leadership and governance, deepen institutional reforms related to Party building, and improve the system for exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance. 到二〇二九年中华人民共和国成立八十周年时,完成本决定提出的改革任务。The reform tasks laid out in this resolution shall be completed by the time the People’s Republic of China celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2029. (4)进一步全面深化改革的原则。总结和运用改革开放以来特别是新时代全面深化改革的宝贵经验,贯彻以下原则:坚持党的全面领导,坚定维护党中央权威和集中统一领导,发挥党总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用,把党的领导贯穿改革各方面全过程,确保改革始终沿着正确政治方向前进;坚持以人民为中心,尊重人民主体地位和首创精神,人民有所呼、改革有所应,做到改革为了人民、改革依靠人民、改革成果由人民共享;坚持守正创新,坚持中国特色社会主义不动摇,紧跟时代步伐,顺应实践发展,突出问题导向,在新的起点上推进理论创新、实践创新、制度创新、文化创新以及其他各方面创新;坚持以制度建设为主线,加强顶层设计、总体谋划,破立并举、先立后破,筑牢根本制度,完善基本制度,创新重要制度;坚持全面依法治国,在法治轨道上深化改革、推进中国式现代化,做到改革和法治相统一,重大改革于法有据、及时把改革成果上升为法律制度;坚持系统观念,处理好经济和社会、政府和市场、效率和公平、活力和秩序、发展和安全等重大关系,增强改革系统性、整体性、协同性。 (4) Guiding principlesOn the basis of reviewing and applying the valuable experience we have gained since the launch of reform and opening up, particularly from our endeavor to comprehensively deepen reform in the new era, we will implement the following principles: Upholding the Party’s overall leadership. We must firmly uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership and ensure that the Party fulfills its core role of exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all sides. We must ensure that Party leadership is exercised in every aspect and throughout the entire process of reform so that it always advances in the correct political direction. Adhering to a people-centered approach. We must respect the principal position and pioneering spirit of the people and make our reform measures highly responsive to the call of the people, so as to ensure that reform is for the people and by the people and that its fruits are shared among the people. Upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground. Staying committed to socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must keep pace with the times, adapt to the evolution of practice, and take a problem-oriented approach, so that from a new starting point, we can promote innovations in theory and practice, in our institutions and culture, and in all other aspects.Strengthening institutional building as our main task. We must strengthen top-level design and overall planning, always establishing new systems before abolishing old ones while attaching equal importance to efforts in both respects. We must consolidate foundational systems, refine basic systems, and innovate important systems. Staying committed to law-based governance on all fronts. We must deepen reform and advance Chinese modernization under the rule of law and ensure unity between reform and the rule of law, seeing that all major reforms have a solid legal basis and that reform achievements are elevated to law in a timely manner. Applying systems thinking. We must properly handle the major relationships between the economy and society, between the government and the market, between efficiency and fairness, between vitality and order, and between development and security, thus pursuing reform in a more systematic, holistic, and coordinated manner. 二、构建高水平社会主义市场经济体制II. Building a High-Standard Socialist Market Economy高水平社会主义市场经济体制是中国式现代化的重要保障。必须更好发挥市场机制作用,创造更加公平、更有活力的市场环境,实现资源配置效率最优化和效益最大化,既“放得活”又“管得住”,更好维护市场秩序、弥补市场失灵,畅通国民经济循环,激发全社会内生动力和创新活力。A high-standard socialist market economy provides an important guarantee for Chinese modernization. We must better leverage the role of the market, foster a fairer and more dynamic market environment, and make resource allocation as efficient and productive as possible. We need to lift restrictions on the market while ensuring effective regulation and strive to better maintain order in the market and remedy market failures. By doing so, we will ensure smooth flows in the national economy and unleash the internal driving forces and creativity of the whole of society. (5)坚持和落实“两个毫不动摇”。毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济,毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,保证各种所有制经济依法平等使用生产要素、公平参与市场竞争、同等受到法律保护,促进各种所有制经济优势互补、共同发展。(5) Upholding and fulfilling the commitments to the public and non-public sectorsWe will stay committed to unswervingly consolidating and developing the public sector and unswervingly encouraging, supporting, and guiding the development of the non-public sector. We will ensure that economic entities under all forms of ownership have equal access to factors of production in accordance with the law, compete in the market on an equal footing, and are protected by the law as equals, thus enabling them to complement each other and develop side by side. 深化国资国企改革,完善管理监督体制机制,增强各有关管理部门战略协同,推进国有经济布局优化和结构调整,推动国有资本和国有企业做强做优做大,增强核心功能,提升核心竞争力。进一步明晰不同类型国有企业功能定位,完善主责主业管理,明确国有资本重点投资领域和方向。推动国有资本向关系国家安全、国民经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域集中,向关系国计民生的公共服务、应急能力、公益性领域等集中,向前瞻性战略性新兴产业集中。健全国有企业推进原始创新制度安排。深化国有资本投资、运营公司改革。建立国有企业履行战略使命评价制度,完善国有企业分类考核评价体系,开展国有经济增加值核算。推进能源、铁路、电信、水利、公用事业等行业自然垄断环节独立运营和竞争性环节市场化改革,健全监管体制机制。We will deepen reform of state capital and state-owned enterprises (SOEs), improving the institutions and mechanisms for management and oversight, strengthening strategic coordination between relevant administrative departments, and working to refine the layout of the state-owned sector and adjust its structure. All this will help state capital and SOEs get stronger, do better, and grow bigger, with their core functions and core competitiveness enhanced. We will clearly define the functions of different types of SOEs, improve the management of their primary responsibilities and core business, and identify the key areas and orientations for state capital investment. State capital will be steered toward major industries and key fields that are vital to national security and serve as the lifeblood of the national economy, toward sectors such as public services, emergency response, and public welfare, which concern our country’s prosperity and our people’s wellbeing, and toward forward-looking and strategic emerging industries. The institutional framework under which SOEs pursue original innovation will be improved, and the reform of state capital investment and operation companies will be continued. We will establish a system to assess SOEs’ performance in fulfilling their strategic missions, refine the category-based SOE evaluation system, and introduce value-added accounting in the state-owned sector. While promoting independent operation of natural monopoly businesses in sectors such as energy, railway, telecommunications, water conservancy, and public utilities, we will advance market-oriented reforms in the competitive areas of these sectors and improve regulatory institutions and mechanisms.坚持致力于为非公有制经济发展营造良好环境和提供更多机会的方针政策。制定民营经济促进法。深入破除市场准入壁垒,推进基础设施竞争性领域向经营主体公平开放,完善民营企业参与国家重大项目建设长效机制。支持有能力的民营企业牵头承担国家重大技术攻关任务,向民营企业进一步开放国家重大科研基础设施。完善民营企业融资支持政策制度,破解融资难、融资贵问题。健全涉企收费长效监管和拖欠企业账款清偿法律法规体系。加快建立民营企业信用状况综合评价体系,健全民营中小企业增信制度。支持引导民营企业完善治理结构和管理制度,加强企业合规建设和廉洁风险防控。加强事中事后监管,规范涉民营企业行政检查。We will continue to implement principles and policies that help foster a favorable environment and create more opportunities for the development of the non-public sector. We will formulate a private sector promotion law. We will do more to remove barriers to market access, work to see that the competitive areas of infrastructure are open to market entities in a fair manner, and improve the long-term mechanism by which private enterprises participate in major national projects. We will support capable private enterprises in leading national initiatives to make breakthroughs in major technologies and provide private enterprises with greater access to major national scientific research infrastructure. We will refine financing support policies and systems for private enterprises to resolve the difficulties they face in accessing affordable financing. We will improve the legal framework for the long-term regulation of charges levied on enterprises and for clearing overdue payments owed to them. We will move faster to set up a system for comprehensively evaluating private enterprises’ credit status and refine the credit enhancement system for small and medium private enterprises. We will support and guide private enterprises in improving their governance structures and management systems, building up compliance capacity, and better preventing corruption-related risks. We will strengthen ongoing and ex post oversight and regulate administrative inspections on private enterprises.完善中国特色现代企业制度,弘扬企业家精神,支持和引导各类企业提高资源要素利用效率和经营管理水平、履行社会责任,加快建设更多世界一流企业。We will refine the modern corporate system with distinctive Chinese features and promote entrepreneurial spirit. We will support and guide enterprises of all types as they work to use resources and production factors more efficiently, improve their operation and management, and fulfill their social responsibilities. Efforts will be accelerated to foster a greater number of world-class enterprises.(6)构建全国统一大市场。推动市场基础制度规则统一、市场监管公平统一、市场设施高标准联通。加强公平竞争审查刚性约束,强化反垄断和反不正当竞争,清理和废除妨碍全国统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定和做法。规范地方招商引资法规制度,严禁违法违规给予政策优惠行为。建立健全统一规范、信息共享的招标投标和政府、事业单位、国有企业采购等公共资源交易平台体系,实现项目全流程公开管理。提升市场综合监管能力和水平。健全国家标准体系,深化地方标准管理制度改革。(6) Building a unified national marketWe will work to see that the underlying institutions and rules of the market are unified, that market regulation is exercised in an impartial and unified manner, and that connectivity between market facilities is built to high standards. We will enhance the binding force of fair competition review, take stronger action against monopolies and unfair competition, and review and abolish regulations and practices that impede the development of a unified national market and fair competition. We will bring local regulations and institutions for attracting investment under regulation and strictly prohibit policy incentives in breach of laws and regulations. We will establish sound, unified, and well-regulated public resource trading platforms that facilitate information sharing. Such platforms will cover public bidding as well as procurement by the government, public institutions, and SOEs and ensure full transparency throughout the project management process. Overall market regulation capabilities will be enhanced. We will refine the national system of standards and deepen reform of local systems for standards management.完善要素市场制度和规则,推动生产要素畅通流动、各类资源高效配置、市场潜力充分释放。构建城乡统一的建设用地市场。完善促进资本市场规范发展基础制度。培育全国一体化技术和数据市场。完善主要由市场供求关系决定要素价格机制,防止政府对价格形成的不当干预。健全劳动、资本、土地、知识、技术、管理、数据等生产要素由市场评价贡献、按贡献决定报酬的机制。推进水、能源、交通等领域价格改革,优化居民阶梯水价、电价、气价制度,完善成品油定价机制。The institutions and rules for production factor markets will be improved to facilitate the smooth flow of production factors, the efficient allocation of all types of resources, and the full realization of market potential. We will develop a unified market for urban and rural land designated for construction. We will refine the underlying systems for promoting well-regulated development of the capital market and foster an integrated national market for technology and data. By refining the mechanisms whereby production factors are priced primarily based on market supply and demand, we will prevent improper government interference in pricing. We will also develop better mechanisms to ensure the contributions of production factors, such as labor, capital, land, knowledge, technology, management, and data, are determined by the market and rewarded accordingly. Pricing reforms will be continued in sectors such as water, energy, and transportation, and the tiered pricing mechanisms for household water, electricity, and natural gas consumption will be improved, as will the pricing mechanism for refined petroleum products.完善流通体制,加快发展物联网,健全一体衔接的流通规则和标准,降低全社会物流成本。深化能源管理体制改革,建设全国统一电力市场,优化油气管网运行调度机制。We will improve the commodity distribution system, speed up the development of the Internet of Things, and further refine the integrated framework of distribution rules and standards to cut logistics costs throughout society. We will deepen reform of the energy management system, build a unified national electricity market, and improve the operation and coordination mechanisms for oil and gas pipelines.加快培育完整内需体系,建立政府投资支持基础性、公益性、长远性重大项目建设长效机制,健全政府投资有效带动社会投资体制机制,深化投资审批制度改革,完善激发社会资本投资活力和促进投资落地机制,形成市场主导的有效投资内生增长机制。完善扩大消费长效机制,减少限制性措施,合理增加公共消费,积极推进首发经济。We will step up efforts to develop a complete domestic demand system. To this end, we will set up long-term government investment mechanisms to support the development of major projects that are of fundamental and far-reaching importance and serve the public interest; refine the institutions and mechanisms that enable government investment to effectively drive nongovernmental investment; further reform the investment review and approval system; improve the mechanisms for stimulating and facilitating nongovernmental investment; and create a market-driven mechanism for ensuring self-sustaining growth of effective investment. We will refine long-term mechanisms for expanding consumption, reduce relevant restrictions, boost public spending as necessary, and actively promote the debut economy.(7)完善市场经济基础制度。完善产权制度,依法平等长久保护各种所有制经济产权,建立高效的知识产权综合管理体制。完善市场信息披露制度,构建商业秘密保护制度。对侵犯各种所有制经济产权和合法利益的行为实行同责同罪同罚,完善惩罚性赔偿制度。加强产权执法司法保护,防止和纠正利用行政、刑事手段干预经济纠纷,健全依法甄别纠正涉企冤错案件机制。(7) Refining the systems underpinning the market economyWe will improve the property rights system to ensure law-based, equitable protection of the property rights of economic entities under all forms of ownership on a long-term basis and establish an efficient system for the comprehensive management of intellectual property rights. We will refine the market information disclosure system and put in place a commercial secrets protection system. All economic entities, regardless of their form of ownership, will be treated as equals when their property rights and legal interests are infringed upon or they infringe upon the property rights and legal interests of others. We will also refine the punitive compensation system. We will work to bolster law enforcement and justice administration to protect property rights, prevent and rectify administrative and criminal interference in economic disputes, and refine the mechanisms for identifying and redressing wrongly adjudicated cases involving enterprises in accordance with the law.完善市场准入制度,优化新业态新领域市场准入环境。深化注册资本认缴登记制度改革,实行依法按期认缴。健全企业破产机制,探索建立个人破产制度,推进企业注销配套改革,完善企业退出制度。健全社会信用体系和监管制度。We will refine the market access system to ensure greater accessibility for new forms of business and new sectors. We will deepen reform of the business registration system based on subscribed registered capital and ensure that subscriptions are paid on time as stipulated by law. We will refine the enterprise bankruptcy mechanism, explore the establishment of a bankruptcy system for individual persons, move ahead with integrated reforms concerning the deregistration of enterprises, and improve the market exit system. We will also improve the social credit system and related oversight institutions.三、健全推动经济高质量发展体制机制III. Promoting High-Quality Economic Development高质量发展是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的首要任务。必须以新发展理念引领改革,立足新发展阶段,深化供给侧结构性改革,完善推动高质量发展激励约束机制,塑造发展新动能新优势。High-quality development is our primary task in building China into a modern socialist country in all respects. It is essential that we apply the new development philosophy to steer reform and ground our efforts in the new stage of development. We must deepen supply-side structural reform, improve incentive and constraint mechanisms for promoting high-quality development, and strive to create new growth drivers and strengths.(8)健全因地制宜发展新质生产力体制机制。推动技术革命性突破、生产要素创新性配置、产业深度转型升级,推动劳动者、劳动资料、劳动对象优化组合和更新跃升,催生新产业、新模式、新动能,发展以高技术、高效能、高质量为特征的生产力。加强关键共性技术、前沿引领技术、现代工程技术、颠覆性技术创新,加强新领域新赛道制度供给,建立未来产业投入增长机制,完善推动新一代信息技术、人工智能、航空航天、新能源、新材料、高端装备、生物医药、量子科技等战略性产业发展政策和治理体系,引导新兴产业健康有序发展。以国家标准提升引领传统产业优化升级,支持企业用数智技术、绿色技术改造提升传统产业。强化环保、安全等制度约束。(8) Improving the institutions and mechanisms for fostering new quality productive forces in line with local conditionsWe will work to facilitate revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, in-depth industrial transformation and upgrading, and the optimal combination of laborers, means of labor, and subjects of labor as well as their renewal and upgrading. All this will give rise to new industries, new business models, and new growth drivers and promote the development of productive forces that are characterized by high technology, high performance, and high quality. A stronger push will be made to pursue innovation in key generic technologies, cutting-edge technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies, and institutional supply will be boosted in new areas and arenas. We will establish a mechanism for ensuring funding increases for industries of the future, improve the policy and governance systems for promoting the development of strategic industries such as next-generation information technology, artificial intelligence, aviation and aerospace, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, biomedicine, and quantum technology, and steer emerging industries toward sound and orderly development. National standards will be elevated to guide the upgrading of traditional industries, and enterprises will also be encouraged to apply digital, intelligent, and green technologies to transform and upgrade these sectors. We will impose tighter institutional constraints for environmental protection and safety.健全相关规则和政策,加快形成同新质生产力更相适应的生产关系,促进各类先进生产要素向发展新质生产力集聚,大幅提升全要素生产率。鼓励和规范发展天使投资、风险投资、私募股权投资,更好发挥政府投资基金作用,发展耐心资本。Relevant rules and policies will be improved to accelerate the formation of relations of production that are more compatible with new quality productive forces, and to channel various types of advanced production factors toward the development of new quality productive forces. These steps will help realize a significant increase in total factor productivity. We will encourage and regulate the development of angel investment, venture capital, and private equity investment, better leverage the role of government investment funds, and work to promote the development of patient capital.(9)健全促进实体经济和数字经济深度融合制度。加快推进新型工业化,培育壮大先进制造业集群,推动制造业高端化、智能化、绿色化发展。建设一批行业共性技术平台,加快产业模式和企业组织形态变革,健全提升优势产业领先地位体制机制。优化重大产业基金运作和监管机制,确保资金投向符合国家战略要求。建立保持制造业合理比重投入机制,合理降低制造业综合成本和税费负担。(9) Improving the systems for promoting full integration between the real economy and the digital economyWe will move faster to advance new industrialization, promote the growth and expansion of advanced manufacturing clusters, and make the manufacturing sector higher-end, smarter, and more eco-friendly. We will set up a number of industrial generic technology platforms, accelerate the transformation of industrial models and organizational forms of enterprises, and refine the institutions and mechanisms for enhancing our leading position in industries where we excel. We will establish better operation and oversight mechanisms for major industrial investment funds to ensure that capital is channeled toward our country’s strategic needs. We will put in place a funding mechanism to see that the share of manufacturing in the national economy remains at a desirable level. We will also realize a reasonable reduction in overall costs and tax and fee burdens in the manufacturing sector.加快构建促进数字经济发展体制机制,完善促进数字产业化和产业数字化政策体系。加快新一代信息技术全方位全链条普及应用,发展工业互联网,打造具有国际竞争力的数字产业集群。促进平台经济创新发展,健全平台经济常态化监管制度。建设和运营国家数据基础设施,促进数据共享。加快建立数据产权归属认定、市场交易、权益分配、利益保护制度,提升数据安全治理监管能力,建立高效便利安全的数据跨境流动机制。We will move faster to establish institutions and mechanisms for promoting the development of the digital economy and refine the policy system for developing the digital industry and transforming traditional industries with digital technologies. We will promote faster application of next-generation information technology at all stages and in all dimensions, develop the Industrial Internet, and build digital industry clusters with international competitiveness. We will push forward the innovative development of the platform economy while improving the system for its routine regulation. We will build and put into operation national data infrastructure to promote data sharing. We will work faster to set up a system for data property rights concerning ownership determination, market transaction, proceeds distribution, and interests protection. We will boost our governance and regulatory capabilities in relation to data security and put in place a mechanism to ensure efficient, convenient, and safe cross-border data flows.(10)完善发展服务业体制机制。完善支持服务业发展政策体系,优化服务业核算,推进服务业标准化建设。聚焦重点环节分领域推进生产性服务业高质量发展,发展产业互联网平台,破除跨地区经营行政壁垒,推进生产性服务业融合发展。健全加快生活性服务业多样化发展机制。完善中介服务机构法规制度体系,促进中介服务机构诚实守信、依法履责。(10) Refining the institutions and mechanisms for developing the service sectorWe will refine the policy system for supporting the development of the service sector, improve financial accounting, and promote standardization in this sector. With a focus on key links, we will propel high-quality development of producer services on a sector-by-sector basis, invigorate industrial internet platforms, remove administrative barriers that impede trans-regional business operations, and promote the integrated development of producer services. The mechanisms for accelerating the diversified development of consumer services will be improved. We will refine the system of rules and regulations for intermediary service agencies to ensure that they operate in an honest and trustworthy way and fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with the law.(11)健全现代化基础设施建设体制机制。构建新型基础设施规划和标准体系,健全新型基础设施融合利用机制,推进传统基础设施数字化改造,拓宽多元化投融资渠道,健全重大基础设施建设协调机制。深化综合交通运输体系改革,推进铁路体制改革,发展通用航空和低空经济,推动收费公路政策优化。提高航运保险承保能力和全球服务水平,推进海事仲裁制度规则创新。健全重大水利工程建设、运行、管理机制。(11) Improving the institutions and mechanisms for modernizing infrastructure We will build a planning and standards system for new types of infrastructure and improve the mechanisms for integrated utilization of such infrastructure. We will advance the digitalization of traditional infrastructure, diversify investment and financing channels, and refine the coordination mechanisms for major infrastructure construction projects. We will further reform the integrated transportation system, advancing reform of the railway system, developing general aviation and the low-altitude economy, and optimizing the policy on toll highways. We will raise the underwriting capacity of shipping insurers, help them provide better global services, and introduce new systems and rules on the arbitration of marine affairs. We will improve the mechanisms for the construction, operation, and management of major water conservancy projects.(12)健全提升产业链供应链韧性和安全水平制度。抓紧打造自主可控的产业链供应链,健全强化集成电路、工业母机、医疗装备、仪器仪表、基础软件、工业软件、先进材料等重点产业链发展体制机制,全链条推进技术攻关、成果应用。建立产业链供应链安全风险评估和应对机制。完善产业在国内梯度有序转移的协作机制,推动转出地和承接地利益共享。建设国家战略腹地和关键产业备份。加快完善国家储备体系。完善战略性矿产资源探产供储销统筹和衔接体系。(12) Improving the systems for enhancing the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains We will move faster to build industrial and supply chains that are self-supporting and risk-controllable, improve the institutions and mechanisms for bolstering key industrial chains such as integrated circuits, industrial machine tools, medical equipment, instruments, basic software, industrial software, and advanced materials, and strive to secure more technological breakthroughs that can be applied across entire industrial and supply chains. A mechanism will be put in place to assess and respond to industrial and supply chain risks. We will improve the coordination mechanism for industries to be relocated domestically in a progressive and orderly manner and promote interest sharing between regions of origin and destination. We will develop China’s strategic hinterland and ensure backup plans for key industries. Accelerated moves will be made to improve the system for national reserves. We will refine the overall planning and linkage systems for the exploration, production, supply, storage, and sale of strategic mineral resources.四、构建支持全面创新体制机制IV. Supporting All-Around Innovation教育、科技、人才是中国式现代化的基础性、战略性支撑。必须深入实施科教兴国战略、人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略,统筹推进教育科技人才体制机制一体改革,健全新型举国体制,提升国家创新体系整体效能。Education, science and technology, and talent function as basic and strategic underpinnings for Chinese modernization. We must fully implement the strategy of invigorating China through science and education, the strategy of developing a quality workforce, and the innovation-driven development strategy, make coordinated efforts to promote integrated reform of institutions and mechanisms pertaining to education, science and technology, and talent, and improve the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide, so as to boost the overall performance of our country’s innovation system.(13)深化教育综合改革。加快建设高质量教育体系,统筹推进育人方式、办学模式、管理体制、保障机制改革。完善立德树人机制,推进大中小学思政课一体化改革创新,健全德智体美劳全面培养体系,提升教师教书育人能力,健全师德师风建设长效机制,深化教育评价改革。优化高等教育布局,加快建设中国特色、世界一流的大学和优势学科。分类推进高校改革,建立科技发展、国家战略需求牵引的学科设置调整机制和人才培养模式,超常布局急需学科专业,加强基础学科、新兴学科、交叉学科建设和拔尖人才培养,着力加强创新能力培养。完善高校科技创新机制,提高成果转化效能。强化科技教育和人文教育协同。加快构建职普融通、产教融合的职业教育体系。完善学生实习实践制度。引导规范民办教育发展。推进高水平教育开放,鼓励国外高水平理工类大学来华合作办学。(13) Deepening comprehensive reform in educationWe will work faster to build a high-quality education system and advance coordinated reforms in student training methods, school operation models, management systems, and support mechanisms. We will improve the mechanisms for fostering virtue through education, introduce integrated reforms and new approaches in the political education curriculum at all levels, from elementary school to university, and refine the systems for nurturing capable young people with sound moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility, and work skills. We will increase the ability of teachers to impart knowledge and bring out the best in students and improve the long-term mechanisms for enhancing their professional integrity and conduct. In addition, we will further educational assessment reforms. We will improve the layout of higher education and work faster to develop world-class universities and strong disciplines with Chinese features. We will advance reforms of higher education institutions on a categorized basis and develop discipline adjustment mechanisms and talent training models to meet the needs of China’s scientific and technological development and national strategies. This will see us making extraordinary moves to plan for disciplines and majors that are in urgent demand. We will also redouble efforts to develop basic disciplines, emerging disciplines, and interdisciplinary subjects and work harder to cultivate top talent, with a strong emphasis on fostering innovative capacity. We will refine the mechanisms for facilitating scientific and technological innovation in universities and ensure more efficient application of advances. Scientific and technological education and humanities education will be better coordinated. We will work faster to build a vocational education system that is well-integrated with both general education and industry and improve the mechanisms for student internships and work experience. We will better guide and regulate the development of private schools. We will promote high-standard opening up in the education sector, and encourage first-rate foreign universities of science and engineering to develop partner schools and programs in China. 优化区域教育资源配置,建立同人口变化相协调的基本公共教育服务供给机制。完善义务教育优质均衡推进机制,探索逐步扩大免费教育范围。健全学前教育和特殊教育、专门教育保障机制。推进教育数字化,赋能学习型社会建设,加强终身教育保障。With a view to optimizing the allocation of educational resources across regions, we will establish mechanisms for aligning the supply of basic public education services with demographic changes. We will improve the mechanisms for promoting high-quality, balanced development of compulsory education and explore avenues for gradually expanding the coverage of free education. The support mechanisms for preschool education, special needs education, and specialized education will be improved. We will also pursue the digitalization of education to facilitate the building of a learning society and provide greater support for lifelong education.(14)深化科技体制改革。坚持面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求、面向人民生命健康,优化重大科技创新组织机制,统筹强化关键核心技术攻关,推动科技创新力量、要素配置、人才队伍体系化、建制化、协同化。加强国家战略科技力量建设,完善国家实验室体系,优化国家科研机构、高水平研究型大学、科技领军企业定位和布局,推进科技创新央地协同,统筹各类科创平台建设,鼓励和规范发展新型研发机构,发挥我国超大规模市场引领作用,加强创新资源统筹和力量组织,推动科技创新和产业创新融合发展。构建科技安全风险监测预警和应对体系,加强科技基础条件自主保障。健全科技社团管理制度。扩大国际科技交流合作,鼓励在华设立国际科技组织,优化高校、科研院所、科技社团对外专业交流合作管理机制。(14) Deepening scientific and technological structural reformTargeting the global frontiers of science and technology, the development of the economy, the major needs of the country, and the health and safety of our people, we will refine the mechanisms under which major scientific and technological innovation projects are organized in order to mount a concerted push for breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields. We will see that the development of innovative capabilities, allocation of innovation factors, and ranks of innovators become more systematic, well-organized, and coordinated. To boost China’s strength in strategic science and technology, we will refine the system of national laboratories and better define the roles and layout of our national research institutions, advanced-level research universities, and leading high-tech enterprises. We will promote closer collaboration between the central and local levels, work for coordinated development of technological innovation platforms of various kinds, and encourage and regulate the development of new types of R&D institutions. Giving play to the guiding role of China’s enormous market, we will see that innovation resources are more effectively allocated and that our innovative capabilities are better organized, with a view to promoting integrated advancements in technological and industrial innovation. We will establish risk monitoring, early warning, and response systems to safeguard science and technology security, and ensure self-sufficiency in scientific and technological infrastructure. The management system for science and technology-related social groups will be refined. We will expand international science and technology exchanges and cooperation, encourage the establishment of international science and technology organizations in China, and improve the management mechanisms whereby China’s universities, research institutes, and science and technology-related social groups engage in specialized exchanges and cooperation with their foreign counterparts.改进科技计划管理,强化基础研究领域、交叉前沿领域、重点领域前瞻性、引领性布局。加强有组织的基础研究,提高科技支出用于基础研究比重,完善竞争性支持和稳定支持相结合的基础研究投入机制,鼓励有条件的地方、企业、社会组织、个人支持基础研究,支持基础研究选题多样化,鼓励开展高风险、高价值基础研究。深化科技评价体系改革,加强科技伦理治理,严肃整治学术不端行为。We will improve the management of science and technology plans to ensure that they are forward-looking and play a guiding role in basic research, interdisciplinary frontier areas, and key fields. We will see that basic research is conducted in a better organized way, raise the share of total science and technology expenditure that goes toward basic research, and improve the basic research investment mechanisms to ensure support on both a competitive and ongoing basis. Regions, enterprises, social organizations, and individuals with the resources to support basic research will be encouraged to do so. We will also support researchers in diversifying their subjects for study and encourage high-risk, high-reward basic research. We will advance reform of the science and technology evaluation system, ensure that ethical standards are adhered to, and rectify academic misconduct. 强化企业科技创新主体地位,建立培育壮大科技领军企业机制,加强企业主导的产学研深度融合,建立企业研发准备金制度,支持企业主动牵头或参与国家科技攻关任务。构建促进专精特新中小企业发展壮大机制。鼓励科技型中小企业加大研发投入,提高研发费用加计扣除比例。鼓励和引导高校、科研院所按照先使用后付费方式把科技成果许可给中小微企业使用。Reinforcing the principal role of enterprises in innovation, we will establish mechanisms for fostering leading high-tech enterprises and strengthen enterprise-led collaboration between industries, universities, and research institutes. We will set up a reserve fund system for corporate R&D and back enterprises that volunteer to lead or participate in major national science and technology programs. Mechanisms will be rolled out to promote the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that use specialized and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products. To encourage sci-tech SMEs to boost their R&D spending, we will raise the rate of additional tax deductions for their R&D expenses. We will encourage and guide higher education institutions and research institutes in authorizing the use of their proprietary scientific and technological advances by micro, small, and medium enterprises on a “use first, pay later” basis.完善中央财政科技经费分配和管理使用机制,健全中央财政科技计划执行和专业机构管理体制。扩大财政科研项目经费“包干制”范围,赋予科学家更大技术路线决定权、更大经费支配权、更大资源调度权。建立专家实名推荐的非共识项目筛选机制。允许科研类事业单位实行比一般事业单位更灵活的管理制度,探索实行企业化管理。We will refine the mechanisms for allocation, management, and utilization of central government research funds and improve the institutions for the implementation of central government-funded science and technology programs and their management by specialized agencies. We will expand application of the contract system for government-funded research projects and grant scientists a greater say in deciding on technology roadmaps, spending funds, and allocating resources. We will establish a mechanism for adopting non-consensus projects based on real-name recommendations by experts. Public institutions engaged in scientific research will be allowed to implement a more flexible management system as compared to general public institutions, so that they can explore approaches to instituting corporate management. 深化科技成果转化机制改革,加强国家技术转移体系建设,加快布局建设一批概念验证、中试验证平台,完善首台(套)、首批次、首版次应用政策,加大政府采购自主创新产品力度。加强技术经理人队伍建设。We will further reform the mechanisms for applying scientific and technological advances. We will enhance the national technology transfer system, move faster to plan and build a number of proof-of-concept and pilot-scale testing platforms, refine the policies for the initial application of newly-developed equipment, materials, and software, and increase government procurement of independently innovated products. The pool of technology managers will be expanded. 允许科技人员在科技成果转化收益分配上有更大自主权,建立职务科技成果资产单列管理制度,深化职务科技成果赋权改革。深化高校、科研院所收入分配改革。允许更多符合条件的国有企业以创新创造为导向,在科研人员中开展多种形式中长期激励。Scientists and engineers will have a greater say in the distribution of gains from the transfer of their scientific and technological advances. We will establish a system to place scientific and technological outputs produced on the job under separate management and deepen reforms to grant researchers corresponding rights over these outputs. We will push ahead with the income distribution reform for universities and research institutes. A greater number of eligible SOEs will be permitted to provide diverse medium- and long-term incentives to encourage innovation and creativity among their research personnel. 构建同科技创新相适应的科技金融体制,加强对国家重大科技任务和科技型中小企业的金融支持,完善长期资本投早、投小、投长期、投硬科技的支持政策。健全重大技术攻关风险分散机制,建立科技保险政策体系。提高外资在华开展股权投资、风险投资便利性。We will develop a financial system for scientific and technological innovation to provide greater support for major national science and technology programs and sci-tech SMEs. We will refine policies for supporting the investment of long-term capital in projects at the early stages, in small enterprises, over long time horizons, and in advanced and core technologies. We will improve the mechanisms for spreading the risks associated with the development of major technologies and introduce a policy system for technology insurance. We will facilitate foreign equity investment and venture capital investment in China.(15)深化人才发展体制机制改革。实施更加积极、更加开放、更加有效的人才政策,完善人才自主培养机制,加快建设国家高水平人才高地和吸引集聚人才平台。加快建设国家战略人才力量,着力培养造就战略科学家、一流科技领军人才和创新团队,着力培养造就卓越工程师、大国工匠、高技能人才,提高各类人才素质。建设一流产业技术工人队伍。完善人才有序流动机制,促进人才区域合理布局,深化东中西部人才协作。完善青年创新人才发现、选拔、培养机制,更好保障青年科技人员待遇。健全保障科研人员专心科研制度。(15) Deepening institutional reforms for talent developmentOur policies on talent will become more proactive, open, and effective. To improve the mechanisms for nurturing talent here at home, we will work faster to develop national hubs for high-caliber personnel and platforms for attracting and pooling talent. We will step up efforts to build a contingent of personnel with expertise of strategic importance, with a focus on cultivating science strategists, top-notch scientists and innovation teams, outstanding engineers, master craftsmen, and highly-skilled workers, while also working to improve the performance of all types of talent. We will develop a first-rate industrial technical workforce. We will improve the mechanisms for enabling orderly flows of talent to promote a more rational distribution across regions and foster closer personnel collaboration between the eastern, central, and western regions. We will also enhance the mechanisms for identifying, selecting, and training young innovators and ensure better pay and benefits for our young scientists and engineers. Relevant systems will be refined to ensure that researchers can concentrate on research.强化人才激励机制,坚持向用人主体授权、为人才松绑。建立以创新能力、质量、实效、贡献为导向的人才评价体系。打通高校、科研院所和企业人才交流通道。完善海外引进人才支持保障机制,形成具有国际竞争力的人才制度体系。探索建立高技术人才移民制度。We will enhance the incentive mechanisms for talent, granting more say to employers and creating a more accommodating environment for talent development. We will put in place a personnel assessment system based on innovation-related capability, performance, outcomes, and contributions. We will open up channels to enable flows of personnel between universities and research institutes on the one hand and enterprises on the other. We will improve the support mechanisms for recruiting talent from overseas and create internationally competitive personnel systems. We will also explore avenues for establishing an immigration system for highly-skilled personnel.五、健全宏观经济治理体系V. Improving Macroeconomic Governance科学的宏观调控、有效的政府治理是发挥社会主义市场经济体制优势的内在要求。必须完善宏观调控制度体系,统筹推进财税、金融等重点领域改革,增强宏观政策取向一致性。Sound macro regulation, along with effective governance by the government, is essential for ensuring that we can fully leverage the institutional strengths of our socialist market economy. It is, therefore, vital that we improve our macro regulation systems. We must pursue coordinated reforms in the fiscal, tax, financial, and other major sectors and work to enhance the consistency of macro policy orientation.(16)完善国家战略规划体系和政策统筹协调机制。构建国家战略制定和实施机制,加强国家重大战略深度融合,增强国家战略宏观引导、统筹协调功能。健全国家经济社会发展规划制度体系,强化规划衔接落实机制,发挥国家发展规划战略导向作用,强化国土空间规划基础作用,增强专项规划和区域规划实施支撑作用。健全专家参与公共决策制度。(16) Improving the national strategic planning system and policy coordination mechanismsWe will develop mechanisms for formulating and executing national strategies and make a stronger push to fully integrate all major strategies, so that they can provide better macro guidance and overall coordination. The systems for national economic and social development planning will be improved. This will see us enhancing the mechanisms for the alignment and implementation of plans, better harnessing the strategic guiding role of national development plans, bolstering the basic role of territorial space plans, and reinforcing the supporting role of subject-specific plans and regional plans. We will also improve the system by which experts participate in decision-making on public issues. 围绕实施国家发展规划、重大战略促进财政、货币、产业、价格、就业等政策协同发力,优化各类增量资源配置和存量结构调整。探索实行国家宏观资产负债表管理。把经济政策和非经济性政策都纳入宏观政策取向一致性评估。健全预期管理机制。健全支撑高质量发展的统计指标核算体系,加强新经济新领域纳统覆盖。加强产业活动单位统计基础建设,优化总部和分支机构统计办法,逐步推广经营主体活动发生地统计。健全国际宏观政策协调机制。To promote the implementation of national development plans and major strategies, we will foster greater synergy between our fiscal, monetary, industrial, pricing, and employment policies, improving the allocation of newly acquired resources and adjusting the mix of existing resources. We will explore the introduction of national macro balance sheet management. Both economic and non-economic policies will be evaluated to ensure that they are consistent with the macro policy orientation. The expectations management mechanism will be improved. We will refine the statistical indicators accounting system to better support high-quality development, expanding the coverage of statistics to include more new forms of economy and new sectors. We will promote the development of statistical infrastructure for industrial entities, optimize statistical methods for both headquarters and branches, and gradually work toward compiling statistics based on the places where market entities conduct their business activities. Steps will be taken to improve the mechanisms for international coordination on macro policies. (17)深化财税体制改革。健全预算制度,加强财政资源和预算统筹,把依托行政权力、政府信用、国有资源资产获取的收入全部纳入政府预算管理。完善国有资本经营预算和绩效评价制度,强化国家重大战略任务和基本民生财力保障。强化对预算编制和财政政策的宏观指导。加强公共服务绩效管理,强化事前功能评估。深化零基预算改革。统一预算分配权,提高预算管理统一性、规范性,完善预算公开和监督制度。完善权责发生制政府综合财务报告制度。(17) Deepening reform of the fiscal and tax systems We will further improve the budget system and strengthen unified management of all fiscal resources and budgets. All revenues generated on the basis of the exercise of administrative power, government credit, and state-owned resources and assets will be placed under government budget management. We will improve the budgeting and performance assessment systems for state capital operations and strengthen fiscal support for major national strategic tasks and basic public wellbeing. We will enhance macro guidance on budgeting and fiscal policies. We will strengthen performance management for public services, with a focus on conducting ex ante evaluations of their functions. Reforms for zero-based budgeting will be advanced. We will unify budget allocation powers, make budget management more unified and standardized, and take steps to boost budget transparency and enhance budget oversight. We will improve the system for comprehensive government financial reporting based on accrual accounting. 健全有利于高质量发展、社会公平、市场统一的税收制度,优化税制结构。研究同新业态相适应的税收制度。全面落实税收法定原则,规范税收优惠政策,完善对重点领域和关键环节支持机制。健全直接税体系,完善综合和分类相结合的个人所得税制度,规范经营所得、资本所得、财产所得税收政策,实行劳动性所得统一征税。深化税收征管改革。The tax structure will be improved to make taxation systems more conducive to high-quality development, social fairness, and the building of a unified market. We will also look into approaches for better adapting these systems to new forms of business. Fully implementing the principle of legality of taxation, we will regulate policies on tax breaks and improve the support mechanisms for key sectors and links. We will refine the system of direct taxes, improve the personal income tax system which is based on both adjusted gross income and specific income types, regulate taxation policies on incomes generated from business operations, capital, and property, and unify tax rates for incomes earned through work. Reform of the tax collection and administration system will be deepened. 建立权责清晰、财力协调、区域均衡的中央和地方财政关系。增加地方自主财力,拓展地方税源,适当扩大地方税收管理权限。完善财政转移支付体系,清理规范专项转移支付,增加一般性转移支付,提升市县财力同事权相匹配程度。建立促进高质量发展转移支付激励约束机制。推进消费税征收环节后移并稳步下划地方,完善增值税留抵退税政策和抵扣链条,优化共享税分享比例。研究把城市维护建设税、教育费附加、地方教育附加合并为地方附加税,授权地方在一定幅度内确定具体适用税率。合理扩大地方政府专项债券支持范围,适当扩大用作资本金的领域、规模、比例。完善政府债务管理制度,建立全口径地方债务监测监管体系和防范化解隐性债务风险长效机制,加快地方融资平台改革转型。规范非税收入管理,适当下沉部分非税收入管理权限,由地方结合实际差别化管理。We will establish a fiscal relationship between the central and local governments that features well-defined powers and responsibilities and the appropriate allocation of resources, with an optimum balance between regions. To place more fiscal resources at the disposal of local governments, we will expand the sources of tax revenue at the local level and grant greater authority for tax management to local governments as appropriate. To improve the system of transfer payments, we will overhaul special transfer payments and increase the scale of general transfer payments. These will help ensure that the fiscal resources of prefecture- and county-level governments are commensurate with their powers. We will establish incentive and constraint mechanisms through transfer payments to promote high-quality development. We will take steps to move excise tax collection further down the production-to-consumption chain, with the power of collection steadily being passed to local governments. We will improve the value-added tax credit refund policy and free up the channels for making tax deductions. The ratio for taxes shared between the central and local governments will be optimized. We will look into rolling the urban maintenance and construction tax, education surcharges, and local education surcharges into one single local surtax. Local governments will have the authority to set the rate for this tax within a predetermined range. We will appropriately expand the scope of use for funds raised from the sale of local government special-purpose bonds, permitting a greater share of such funds to be used as capital in more sectors and on a larger scale. The systems for managing government debt will be improved. We will establish a system for monitoring and regulating all local government debt as well as long-term mechanisms for preventing and defusing hidden debt risks. We will move faster to reform and transform local government financing platforms. In regulating the management of non-tax revenue, we will delegate, as appropriate, some management authority to local governments and allow them to tailor their practices to local conditions.适当加强中央事权、提高中央财政支出比例。中央财政事权原则上通过中央本级安排支出,减少委托地方代行的中央财政事权。不得违规要求地方安排配套资金,确需委托地方行使事权的,通过专项转移支付安排资金。The central government will hold more fiscal powers as appropriate and raise the proportion of central government expenditure accordingly. In principle, the expenditures commensurate with such powers should be allocated from the central government, and such powers to be delegated to local governments should be reduced. No requirements for supporting funds from local governments in violation of regulations shall be made. When it is necessary to delegate fiscal powers to local governments, the relevant funds should be arranged through special transfer payments. (18)深化金融体制改革。加快完善中央银行制度,畅通货币政策传导机制。积极发展科技金融、绿色金融、普惠金融、养老金融、数字金融,加强对重大战略、重点领域、薄弱环节的优质金融服务。完善金融机构定位和治理,健全服务实体经济的激励约束机制。发展多元股权融资,加快多层次债券市场发展,提高直接融资比重。优化国有金融资本管理体制。(18) Deepening reform of the financial systemWe will move faster to improve the central bank system and the monetary policy transmission mechanism. We will actively develop technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance and work to ensure quality financial services for major strategies, key fields, and weak links. We will refine the role and governance of financial institutions and the incentive and constraint mechanisms for ensuring that they serve the real economy. We will diversify equity financing, step up the development of multilevel bond markets, and increase the proportion of direct financing. We will optimize the state-owned financial capital management system.健全投资和融资相协调的资本市场功能,防风险、强监管,促进资本市场健康稳定发展。支持长期资金入市。提高上市公司质量,强化上市公司监管和退市制度。建立增强资本市场内在稳定性长效机制。完善大股东、实际控制人行为规范约束机制。完善上市公司分红激励约束机制。健全投资者保护机制。推动区域性股权市场规则对接、标准统一。We will improve the functions of the capital market to give balanced weight to investment and financing. We will prevent risks and tighten regulation to promote the sound and stable development of the capital market. We will facilitate the entry of long-term capital into the market. We will improve the overall quality of listed companies, strengthen relevant regulation and delisting systems, and establish long-term mechanisms to enhance the underlying stability of the capital market. We will improve the mechanisms for regulating and constraining the behaviors of major shareholders and actual controllers. We will optimize dividend incentive and constraint mechanisms for listed companies and improve the mechanisms for protecting investors. We will encourage regional equity markets to align their rules and implement unified standards.制定金融法。完善金融监管体系,依法将所有金融活动纳入监管,强化监管责任和问责制度,加强中央和地方监管协同。建设安全高效的金融基础设施,统一金融市场登记托管、结算清算规则制度,建立风险早期纠正硬约束制度,筑牢有效防控系统性风险的金融稳定保障体系。健全金融消费者保护和打击非法金融活动机制,构建产业资本和金融资本“防火墙”。推动金融高水平开放,稳慎扎实推进人民币国际化,发展人民币离岸市场。稳妥推进数字人民币研发和应用。加快建设上海国际金融中心。A financial law will be formulated. We will improve the financial regulatory system to ensure that all financial activities are placed under regulation in accordance with the law, strengthen regulatory responsibility and accountability systems, and improve regulatory coordination between the central and local levels. We will build secure and efficient financial infrastructure, unify the rules and systems for registration, custody, settlement, and liquidation for the financial market, establish binding constraints for defusing risks at an early stage, and build a robust system to effectively fend off and control systemic risks and ensure financial stability. We will improve the mechanisms for protecting financial consumers and cracking down on illegal financial activities and establish a firewall for industrial and financial capital. We will promote high-standard opening up of the financial sector, steadily and prudently advance the internationalization of the RMB, and develop offshore RMB markets. We will make steady progress in the R&D and application of digital RMB and move faster to build Shanghai into an international financial center.完善准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理模式,支持符合条件的外资机构参与金融业务试点。稳慎拓展金融市场互联互通,优化合格境外投资者制度。推进自主可控的跨境支付体系建设,强化开放条件下金融安全机制。建立统一的全口径外债监管体系。积极参与国际金融治理。We will improve the management model based on pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list and support qualified foreign capital institutions in participating in our financial service trials. We will expand the connectivity between domestic and overseas financial markets in a steady and prudent way and improve the qualified foreign institutional investor system. We will push forward the development of a homegrown, controllable cross-border payment system and strengthen financial security mechanisms as we open our doors wider to the outside world. We will establish a system for the unified monitoring and oversight of all foreign debt. We will actively participate in international financial governance.(19)完善实施区域协调发展战略机制。构建优势互补的区域经济布局和国土空间体系。健全推动西部大开发形成新格局、东北全面振兴取得新突破、中部地区加快崛起、东部地区加快推进现代化的制度和政策体系。推动京津冀、长三角、粤港澳大湾区等地区更好发挥高质量发展动力源作用,优化长江经济带发展、黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展机制。高标准高质量推进雄安新区建设。推动成渝地区双城经济圈建设走深走实。健全主体功能区制度体系,强化国土空间优化发展保障机制。完善区域一体化发展机制,构建跨行政区合作发展新机制,深化东中西部产业协作。完善促进海洋经济发展体制机制。(19) Improving mechanisms for implementing the coordinated regional development strategyWe will develop a regional economic layout and a territorial space system characterized by complementarity between different regions and territorial spaces. We will improve the institutional and policy frameworks for opening up a new vista in the large-scale development of the western region, achieving new breakthroughs in the full revitalization of the Northeast, accelerating the rise of the central region, and encouraging the eastern region to modernize more quickly. We will enable regions like the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to better play their roles as engines of high-quality development and improve the mechanisms for the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt and the ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin. We will move forward with the high-standard and high-quality development of the Xiong’an New Area. We will push for solid progress in developing the Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone. We will improve the system of institutions for functional zoning and strengthen mechanisms to support optimal development of territorial spaces. We will improve integrated regional development mechanisms, build new mechanisms for cooperative development across administrative divisions, and deepen industrial collaboration between the eastern, central, and western regions. The institutions and mechanisms for promoting the development of the marine economy will be enhanced.六、完善城乡融合发展体制机制VI. Promoting Integrated Urban-Rural Development城乡融合发展是中国式现代化的必然要求。必须统筹新型工业化、新型城镇化和乡村全面振兴,全面提高城乡规划、建设、治理融合水平,促进城乡要素平等交换、双向流动,缩小城乡差别,促进城乡共同繁荣发展。Integrated urban and rural development is essential to Chinese modernization. We must pursue coordinated progress in new industrialization, new urbanization, and all-around rural revitalization, facilitate greater urban-rural integration in planning, development, and governance across the board, and promote equal exchanges and two-way flows of production factors between urban and rural areas, so as to narrow the disparities between the two and promote their shared prosperity and development.(20)健全推进新型城镇化体制机制。构建产业升级、人口集聚、城镇发展良性互动机制。推行由常住地登记户口提供基本公共服务制度,推动符合条件的农业转移人口社会保险、住房保障、随迁子女义务教育等享有同迁入地户籍人口同等权利,加快农业转移人口市民化。保障进城落户农民合法土地权益,依法维护进城落户农民的土地承包权、宅基地使用权、集体收益分配权,探索建立自愿有偿退出的办法。(20) Improving the institutions and mechanisms for advancing new urbanizationWe will put in place mechanisms to foster positive interactions between the processes of industrial upgrading, population concentration, and urban development. We will implement the systems for allowing people to obtain household registration and access basic public services in their place of permanent residence. We will push to see that eligible people who have moved to cities from rural areas enjoy the same rights as registered local residents with regard to social insurance, housing support, and access to compulsory education for their children living with them. The process of granting permanent urban residency to these people will also be accelerated. We will protect the lawful land rights and interests of former rural residents who now hold permanent urban residency, protect, in accordance with the law, their rights to contract rural land, to use their rural residential land, and to share in the proceeds from rural collective undertakings, and explore avenues to facilitate voluntary, paid transfers of these rights.坚持人民城市人民建、人民城市为人民。健全城市规划体系,引导大中小城市和小城镇协调发展、集约紧凑布局。深化城市建设、运营、治理体制改革,加快转变城市发展方式。推动形成超大特大城市智慧高效治理新体系,建立都市圈同城化发展体制机制。深化赋予特大镇同人口和经济规模相适应的经济社会管理权改革。建立可持续的城市更新模式和政策法规,加强地下综合管廊建设和老旧管线改造升级,深化城市安全韧性提升行动。We will continue to follow the principle that cities should be built by the people and for the people. We will improve urban planning to see that cities of different sizes and small towns develop in coordination with each other to form efficient and closely knit layouts. We will deepen reform of the urban development, operation, and governance systems and step up efforts to change the development models of cities. We will work to create new systems for smart and efficient governance in super-large and mega cities and establish institutions and mechanisms for the highly-integrated development of cities in metropolitan areas. We will deepen reforms to grant super-large towns economic and social management rights that are commensurate with their populations and economic sizes. We will develop sustainable urban renewal models, along with relevant policies and regulations, and strengthen the building of underground utility tunnels and the upgrading of old pipelines. These efforts will help make our cities safer and more resilient.(21)巩固和完善农村基本经营制度。有序推进第二轮土地承包到期后再延长三十年试点,深化承包地所有权、承包权、经营权分置改革,发展农业适度规模经营。完善农业经营体系,完善承包地经营权流转价格形成机制,促进农民合作经营,推动新型农业经营主体扶持政策同带动农户增收挂钩。健全便捷高效的农业社会化服务体系。发展新型农村集体经济,构建产权明晰、分配合理的运行机制,赋予农民更加充分的财产权益。(21) Consolidating and improving the basic rural operation systemWe will move forward with well-organized trials to extend rural land contracts by another 30 years upon the expiration of the second-round contracts, deepen the reform to separate the ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights of contracted land, and develop appropriately scaled agricultural operations. We will improve the framework for agricultural operations and refine the pricing mechanism for the transfer of contracted land management rights. We will encourage farmers to engage in cooperative operations and see that our policies for supporting new types of agribusiness serve to increase rural incomes. We will develop a system of convenient and efficient commercial agricultural services. We will develop new types of rural collective economies, establish related operating mechanisms featuring clearly defined property rights and rational income distribution, and ensure that farmers enjoy more adequate property rights and interests.(22)完善强农惠农富农支持制度。坚持农业农村优先发展,完善乡村振兴投入机制。壮大县域富民产业,构建多元化食物供给体系,培育乡村新产业新业态。优化农业补贴政策体系,发展多层次农业保险。完善覆盖农村人口的常态化防止返贫致贫机制,建立农村低收入人口和欠发达地区分层分类帮扶制度。健全脱贫攻坚国家投入形成资产的长效管理机制。运用“千万工程”经验,健全推动乡村全面振兴长效机制。(22) Improving supporting systems to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and enrich rural areasContinuing to prioritize agricultural and rural development, we will improve the investment mechanisms for rural revitalization. We will work to expand county industries that benefit local people, build a diversified food supply system, and foster new industries and new forms of business in rural areas. We will optimize the system of agricultural subsidy policies and develop multi-tiered agricultural insurance schemes. We will refine the regular mechanisms for preventing rural residents from lapsing or relapsing into poverty and establish a system of multi-tiered and categorized support for low-income rural residents and underdeveloped areas. We will improve the long-term mechanisms for managing assets formed with government inputs in the process of poverty alleviation. Applying the experience gained from the Green Rural Revival Program in Zhejiang Province, we will refine the long-term mechanisms for promoting all-around rural revitalization.加快健全种粮农民收益保障机制,推动粮食等重要农产品价格保持在合理水平。统筹建立粮食产销区省际横向利益补偿机制,在主产区利益补偿上迈出实质步伐。统筹推进粮食购销和储备管理体制机制改革,建立监管新模式。健全粮食和食物节约长效机制。We will work faster to improve the mechanisms for ensuring the incomes of grain growers and see that the prices of grain and other major agricultural products remain at a reasonable level. We will coordinate efforts to establish an inter-provincial mechanism for major grain-purchasing areas to compensate major grain-producing areas so as to make substantive headway in incentivizing the latter. We will make coordinated progress in reforming the institutions and mechanisms related to the purchase and sale of grain and the management of grain reserves and develop new regulatory models in this regard. The long-term mechanisms for conserving grain and other types of food will be improved.(23)深化土地制度改革。改革完善耕地占补平衡制度,各类耕地占用纳入统一管理,完善补充耕地质量验收机制,确保达到平衡标准。完善高标准农田建设、验收、管护机制。健全保障耕地用于种植基本农作物管理体系。允许农户合法拥有的住房通过出租、入股、合作等方式盘活利用。有序推进农村集体经营性建设用地入市改革,健全土地增值收益分配机制。(23) Deepening reform of the land systemWe will reform and refine the system for offsetting cultivated land that has been put to other uses, manage all types of arable land occupation in a unified manner, and improve the acceptance inspection mechanism to make sure that newly-added arable land is of an equivalent quantity and quality. We will improve the mechanisms for developing, verifying, managing, and protecting high-standard cropland. We will refine the management system for ensuring that arable land is used for planting basic crops. We will allow rural households to put houses under their legal ownership to good use by leasing them out, contributing them in the form of shares, and engaging in cooperative ventures. We will promote orderly reforms for market-based transfers of rural collective land designated for business construction and improve the mechanisms for distributing returns realized from the appreciation of land.优化土地管理,健全同宏观政策和区域发展高效衔接的土地管理制度,优先保障主导产业、重大项目合理用地,使优势地区有更大发展空间。建立新增城镇建设用地指标配置同常住人口增加协调机制。探索国家集中垦造耕地定向用于特定项目和地区落实占补平衡机制。优化城市工商业土地利用,加快发展建设用地二级市场,推动土地混合开发利用、用途合理转换,盘活存量土地和低效用地。开展各类产业园区用地专项治理。制定工商业用地使用权延期和到期后续期政策。We will optimize land management, refining relevant systems so that they are efficiently aligned with macro policies and regional development needs. We will give priority to the reasonable land needs of leading industries and major projects, with a view to creating greater development space for regions with competitive edge. We will establish a coordination mechanism to link increases in urban construction land quotas for cities with the growth of their permanent residents. We will explore mechanisms for using contiguous land that has been reclaimed and upgraded by the government to offset arable land being used by specific projects and regions. We will optimize land use for urban industry and commerce and accelerate the development of the secondary market for construction land. We will promote mixed land development and use and allow for changes in land use purposes when appropriate, ensuring that idle and inefficiently used land can be put to better use. Targeted steps will be taken to address land use problems in various types of industrial parks. Policies will be formulated for extending land use rights for industrial and commercial purposes and for renewing them upon expiration.七、完善高水平对外开放体制机制VII. Pursuing High-Standard Opening Up开放是中国式现代化的鲜明标识。必须坚持对外开放基本国策,坚持以开放促改革,依托我国超大规模市场优势,在扩大国际合作中提升开放能力,建设更高水平开放型经济新体制。Opening up is a defining feature of Chinese modernization. We must remain committed to the basic state policy of opening to the outside world and continue to promote reform through opening up. Leveraging the strengths of China’s enormous market, we will enhance our capacity for opening up while expanding international cooperation and develop new institutions for a higher-standard open economy.(24)稳步扩大制度型开放。主动对接国际高标准经贸规则,在产权保护、产业补贴、环境标准、劳动保护、政府采购、电子商务、金融领域等实现规则、规制、管理、标准相通相容,打造透明稳定可预期的制度环境。扩大自主开放,有序扩大我国商品市场、服务市场、资本市场、劳务市场等对外开放,扩大对最不发达国家单边开放。深化援外体制机制改革,实现全链条管理。(24) Steadily expanding institutional opening upWe will promote alignment with high-standard international economic and trade rules and harmonize rules, regulations, management, and standards relating to property rights protection, industrial subsidies, environmental standards, labor protection, government procurement, e-commerce, the financial sector, and other areas, in an effort to create an institutional environment that is transparent, stable, and predictable. We will seize the initiative by opening China’s commodity, services, capital, and labor markets wider to the outside world in an orderly manner and unilaterally opening our doors wider to the world’s least developed countries. We will further reform institutions and mechanisms for foreign aid to realize full-chain management.维护以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制,积极参与全球经济治理体系改革,提供更多全球公共产品。扩大面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络,建立同国际通行规则衔接的合规机制,优化开放合作环境。We will safeguard the WTO-centered multilateral trading system, actively participate in the reform of global economic governance, and provide more global public goods. We will expand our globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade areas, establish compliance mechanisms that are aligned with prevailing international rules, and optimize the environment for opening up and cooperation.(25)深化外贸体制改革。强化贸易政策和财税、金融、产业政策协同,打造贸易强国制度支撑和政策支持体系,加快内外贸一体化改革,积极应对贸易数字化、绿色化趋势。推进通关、税务、外汇等监管创新,营造有利于新业态新模式发展的制度环境。创新发展数字贸易,推进跨境电商综合试验区建设。建设大宗商品交易中心,建设全球集散分拨中心,支持各类主体有序布局海外流通设施,支持有条件的地区建设国际物流枢纽中心和大宗商品资源配置枢纽。健全贸易风险防控机制,完善出口管制体系和贸易救济制度。(25) Deepening the foreign trade structural reformWe will better coordinate trade policies with fiscal, tax, financial, and industrial policies, create a set of systems and policies to support efforts to build China into a strong trading nation, step up reforms to integrate domestic and foreign trade, and actively respond to the trends of digital and green trade. We will develop new regulatory approaches for customs clearance, taxation, and foreign exchange and foster an institutional environment that is conducive to the development of new models and forms of trade. We will develop digital trade in an innovative manner and promote the development of integrated pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce. We will build commodity trading centers and global distribution centers, support various types of entities in developing logistics facilities overseas in a well-ordered way, and facilitate the development of international logistics hubs, as well as hubs for the distribution of commodities and resources, in areas where conditions allow. The mechanisms for preventing and controlling trade risks will be improved, and our export control framework and trade remedy system will be refined.创新提升服务贸易,全面实施跨境服务贸易负面清单,推进服务业扩大开放综合试点示范,鼓励专业服务机构提升国际化服务能力。加快推进离岸贸易发展,发展新型离岸国际贸易业务。建立健全跨境金融服务体系,丰富金融产品和服务供给。We will adopt innovative measures to boost trade in services and fully apply the negative list for cross-border trade in services. We will promote comprehensive trials and demonstrations for expanding opening up of the service sector and encourage specialized service organizations to enhance their capacity for providing international services. We will work faster to promote offshore trade and develop new types of transactions in offshore international trade. We will set up sound systems for cross-border financial services and diversify the supply of financial products and services.(26)深化外商投资和对外投资管理体制改革。营造市场化、法治化、国际化一流营商环境,依法保护外商投资权益。扩大鼓励外商投资产业目录,合理缩减外资准入负面清单,落实全面取消制造业领域外资准入限制措施,推动电信、互联网、教育、文化、医疗等领域有序扩大开放。深化外商投资促进体制机制改革,保障外资企业在要素获取、资质许可、标准制定、政府采购等方面的国民待遇,支持参与产业链上下游配套协作。完善境外人员入境居住、医疗、支付等生活便利制度。完善促进和保障对外投资体制机制,健全对外投资管理服务体系,推动产业链供应链国际合作。(26) Further reforming the management systems for inward and outward investmentWe will foster a first-rate business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized and protect the rights and interests of foreign investors in accordance with the law. We will expand the catalog of encouraged industries for foreign investment, appropriately shorten the negative list for foreign investment, remove all market access restrictions in the manufacturing sector, and promote wider opening with regard to telecommunications, the internet, education, culture, medical services, and other sectors in a well-conceived way. We will further reform the institutions and mechanisms for promoting foreign investment, ensure national treatment for foreign-funded enterprises in terms of access to factors of production, license application, standards setting, and government procurement, and support them in collaborating with upstream and downstream enterprises in industrial chains. We will improve relevant measures to make it more convenient for people from outside the mainland to live, receive medical services, and make payments on the mainland. We will refine the institutions and mechanisms for promoting and protecting Chinese investment abroad, improve the management and service systems for outward investment, and facilitate international cooperation in industrial and supply chains. (27)优化区域开放布局。巩固东部沿海地区开放先导地位,提高中西部和东北地区开放水平,加快形成陆海内外联动、东西双向互济的全面开放格局。发挥沿海、沿边、沿江和交通干线等优势,优化区域开放功能分工,打造形态多样的开放高地。实施自由贸易试验区提升战略,鼓励首创性、集成式探索。加快建设海南自由贸易港。(27) Optimizing the layout for regional opening upWe will consolidate the leading role of eastern coastal areas in our opening up endeavors, promote further opening up in the central, western, and northeastern regions, and move faster toward all-around opening up through links running eastward and westward, across land, and over sea. To leverage the strengths of areas along the coasts, borders, rivers, and major transportation routes, we will optimize the division of functions for opening up among different regions in order to develop a diverse array of pacesetters for opening up. We will implement the strategy for upgrading pilot free trade zones and encourage these zones to engage in pioneering and integrated explorations. The development of the Hainan Free Trade Port will be accelerated. 发挥“一国两制”制度优势,巩固提升香港国际金融、航运、贸易中心地位,支持香港、澳门打造国际高端人才集聚高地,健全香港、澳门在国家对外开放中更好发挥作用机制。深化粤港澳大湾区合作,强化规则衔接、机制对接。完善促进两岸经济文化交流合作制度和政策,深化两岸融合发展。Harnessing the institutional strengths of the One Country, Two Systems policy, we will work to consolidate and enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international financial, shipping, and trade center, support Hong Kong and Macao in building themselves into international hubs for high-caliber talent, and improve relevant mechanisms to see the two regions playing a greater role in China’s opening to the outside world. We will encourage cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao in the Greater Bay Area by promoting closer alignment of rules and mechanisms. We will improve relevant institutions and policies to promote economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation across the Taiwan Strait and advance integrated cross-Strait development. (28)完善推进高质量共建“一带一路”机制。继续实施“一带一路”科技创新行动计划,加强绿色发展、数字经济、人工智能、能源、税收、金融、减灾等领域的多边合作平台建设。完善陆海天网一体化布局,构建“一带一路”立体互联互通网络。统筹推进重大标志性工程和“小而美”民生项目。(28) Improving the mechanisms for high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road InitiativeWe will continue to implement the Belt and Road Science, Technology, and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan and redouble efforts to develop multilateral platforms for cooperation in green development, the digital economy, artificial intelligence, energy, taxation, finance, disaster mitigation, and other areas. We will work to improve the integrated framework for land, sea, air, and cyberspace connectivity and build a multidimensional network to connect countries along the Belt and Road. We will make coordinated efforts to advance both major signature projects and “small but beautiful” public welfare projects. 八、健全全过程人民民主制度体系VIII. Advancing Whole-Process People’s Democracy发展全过程人民民主是中国式现代化的本质要求。必须坚定不移走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,坚持和完善我国根本政治制度、基本政治制度、重要政治制度,丰富各层级民主形式,把人民当家作主具体、现实体现到国家政治生活和社会生活各方面。Developing whole-process people’s democracy is integral to Chinese modernization. We must firmly stay on the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics and uphold and improve our country’s foundational, basic, and important political systems. We will develop diverse forms of democracy at all levels and ensure that the principle of the people running the country is manifested in concrete and visible ways in all aspects of China’s political and social activities.(29)加强人民当家作主制度建设。坚持好、完善好、运行好人民代表大会制度。健全人大对行政机关、监察机关、审判机关、检察机关监督制度,完善监督法及其实施机制,强化人大预算决算审查监督和国有资产管理、政府债务管理监督。健全人大议事规则和论证、评估、评议、听证制度。丰富人大代表联系人民群众的内容和形式。健全吸纳民意、汇集民智工作机制。发挥工会、共青团、妇联等群团组织联系服务群众的桥梁纽带作用。(29) Strengthening the institutions through which the people run the countryWe must uphold, improve, and implement the system of people’s congresses to good effect. We will improve the systems under which the people’s congresses conduct oversight of the administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial organs, refine the Law on the Oversight by the Standing Committees of People’s Congresses at All Levels and the mechanisms for its implementation, and strengthen the examination and oversight of government budgets and final accounts by people’s congresses as well as their oversight of state-owned asset and government debt management. We will improve the rules of procedure for people’s congresses and their debate, assessment, discussion, and hearing systems. We will see that deputies to people’s congresses reach out to the public on a greater variety of issues and in more diverse ways and enhance the working mechanisms for drawing on public opinion and pooling the wisdom of the people. The roles of people’s organizations, such as trade unions, Chinese Communist Youth League organizations, and women’s federations, will be brought into play in connecting with and serving the people.(30)健全协商民主机制。发挥人民政协作为专门协商机构作用,健全深度协商互动、意见充分表达、广泛凝聚共识的机制,加强人民政协反映社情民意、联系群众、服务人民机制建设。完善人民政协民主监督机制。(30) Improving the mechanisms for consultative democracyWe will give play to the role of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) as a specialized consultative body. We will refine the mechanisms that enable in-depth consultations and interactions, the full expression of opinions, and the formation of broad consensus. We will strengthen the mechanisms through which the CPPCC reports on social conditions and public opinions, stays in contact with the people, and provides them with services. Moves will also be made to refine the mechanisms that facilitate democratic oversight by the CPPCC.完善协商民主体系,丰富协商方式,健全政党协商、人大协商、政府协商、政协协商、人民团体协商、基层协商以及社会组织协商制度化平台,加强各种协商渠道协同配合。健全协商于决策之前和决策实施之中的落实机制,完善协商成果采纳、落实、反馈机制。The system of consultative democracy will be improved, with the introduction of more diverse forms of consultation. We will enhance the institutional platforms through which consultations are carried out by political parties, people’s congresses, government departments, CPPCC committees, people’s organizations, communities, and social organizations, and strengthen coordination between the various channels of consultation. We will improve the mechanisms for conducting consultations prior to decision making and during the implementation of decisions. Improvements will also be made to the mechanisms for adopting, implementing, and providing feedback on the consultation outcomes.(31)健全基层民主制度。健全基层党组织领导的基层群众自治机制,完善基层民主制度体系和工作体系,拓宽基层各类组织和群众有序参与基层治理渠道。完善办事公开制度。健全以职工代表大会为基本形式的企事业单位民主管理制度,完善企业职工参与管理的有效形式。(31) Enhancing democracy at the primary levelWe will improve the mechanisms for conducting community-level self-governance under the leadership of Party organizations at the primary level. We will refine the institutional and working systems for primary-level democracy and create more channels to allow for the well-ordered participation of various primary-level organizations and local people in the governance of their communities. We will enhance the institutions for keeping the public informed. We will improve the democratic management systems in enterprises and public institutions, which generally take the form of workers’ congresses. In addition, more effective ways will be developed to ensure that enterprise employees can participate in management.(32)完善大统战工作格局。完善发挥统一战线凝聚人心、汇聚力量政治作用的政策举措。坚持好、发展好、完善好中国新型政党制度。更好发挥党外人士作用,健全党外代表人士队伍建设制度。制定民族团结进步促进法,健全铸牢中华民族共同体意识制度机制,增强中华民族凝聚力。系统推进我国宗教中国化,加强宗教事务治理法治化。完善党外知识分子和新的社会阶层人士政治引领机制。全面构建亲清政商关系,健全促进非公有制经济健康发展、非公有制经济人士健康成长工作机制。完善港澳台和侨务工作机制。(32) Building a broad united frontWe will improve the policies and measures for facilitating the united front’s political role in rallying the support of the people and pooling their strength. We will uphold, develop, and improve China’s new type of political party system. We will see that people from outside the Party can better play their roles and improve the systems for building up the ranks of non-CPC representatives. A law on promoting ethnic solidarity and progress will be formulated, and we will take steps to improve the institutions and mechanisms for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation so as to further strengthen our national cohesion. We will make systematic efforts to ensure that religions in China are Chinese in orientation and establish a more solid legal footing for the governance of religious affairs. We will improve the mechanisms for providing political guidance to non-CPC intellectuals and people from emerging social groups. We will continue working to cultivate a cordial and clean relationship between government and business across the board and improve the working mechanisms for facilitating the healthy development of the non-public sector and those working in it. We will refine the mechanisms for work related to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese affairs.九、完善中国特色社会主义法治体系IX. Promoting Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics法治是中国式现代化的重要保障。必须全面贯彻实施宪法,维护宪法权威,协同推进立法、执法、司法、守法各环节改革,健全法律面前人人平等保障机制,弘扬社会主义法治精神,维护社会公平正义,全面推进国家各方面工作法治化。The rule of law provides an important guarantee for Chinese modernization. We must ensure full implementation of the Constitution and uphold its authority, coordinate the reforms to promote sound legislation, law enforcement, administration of justice, and observance of the law, and improve the mechanisms for ensuring that all are equal before the law, so as to promote socialist rule of law, uphold social fairness and justice, and see that all work of the state is carried out under the rule of law.(33)深化立法领域改革。完善以宪法为核心的中国特色社会主义法律体系,健全保证宪法全面实施制度体系,建立宪法实施情况报告制度。完善党委领导、人大主导、政府依托、各方参与的立法工作格局。统筹立改废释纂,加强重点领域、新兴领域、涉外领域立法,完善合宪性审查、备案审查制度,提高立法质量。探索区域协同立法。健全党内法规同国家法律法规衔接协调机制。建设全国统一的法律法规和规范性文件信息平台。(33) Deepening reforms in legislationThe socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics centered on the Constitution will be improved. We will refine the systems for ensuring full implementation of the Constitution and establish a system for reporting on its implementation. We will improve the legislative framework under which Party committees exercise leadership, people’s congresses play a principal role, government departments provide support, and various sectors of society get involved. We will make sure that steps to enact, revise, abolish, interpret, and codify laws are well-coordinated and work to bolster legislation in key, emerging, and foreign-related areas. We will improve both the constitutional review system and the record and review system for normative documents. These efforts will ensure that the quality of legislation further improves. We will explore cross-regional collaboration on legislation. We will improve mechanisms for aligning and coordinating Party rules and regulations with state laws and regulations. A unified national information platform for laws, regulations, and other normative documents will be created.(34)深入推进依法行政。推进政府机构、职能、权限、程序、责任法定化,促进政务服务标准化、规范化、便利化,完善覆盖全国的一体化在线政务服务平台。完善重大决策、规范性文件合法性审查机制。加强政府立法审查。深化行政执法体制改革,完善基层综合执法体制机制,健全行政执法监督体制机制。完善行政处罚等领域行政裁量权基准制度,推动行政执法标准跨区域衔接。完善行政处罚和刑事处罚双向衔接制度。健全行政复议体制机制。完善行政裁决制度。完善垂直管理体制和地方分级管理体制,健全垂直管理机构和地方协作配合机制。稳妥推进人口小县机构优化。深化开发区管理制度改革。优化事业单位结构布局,强化公益性。(34) Advancing law-based government administrationWe will keep working to establish a sound legal footing for government institutions, functions, powers, procedures, and responsibilities. We will make government services more standardized, procedure-based, and accessible and improve the integrated national online platform for government services. We will improve the legality review mechanism for major decisions and normative documents and conduct a more thorough review of the legislative work of the government. We will push forward with structural reforms regarding administrative law enforcement, improving institutions and mechanisms for coordinated law enforcement at the community level and for conducting oversight over enforcement. We will refine the system of standards on administrative discretion for matters such as administrative penalties and work to align the administrative law enforcement standards of different regions. Improvements will be made to the system for coordinating administrative and criminal penalties, the institutions and mechanisms for administrative reconsideration, and the administrative adjudication system. We will refine both the vertical management system and the tiered management system at the local level to promote closer coordination and collaboration between institutions under vertical management and local governments. Prudent steps will be taken to optimize the institutions in counties with small populations. We will further reform the management system in development zones. We will improve the structure and layout of public institutions to ensure that they better serve the public interest.(35)健全公正执法司法体制机制。健全监察机关、公安机关、检察机关、审判机关、司法行政机关各司其职,监察权、侦查权、检察权、审判权、执行权相互配合、相互制约的体制机制,确保执法司法各环节全过程在有效制约监督下运行。深化审判权和执行权分离改革,健全国家执行体制,强化当事人、检察机关和社会公众对执行活动的全程监督。完善执法司法救济保护制度,完善国家赔偿制度。深化和规范司法公开,落实和完善司法责任制。规范专门法院设置。深化行政案件级别管辖、集中管辖、异地管辖改革。构建协同高效的警务体制机制,推进地方公安机关机构编制管理改革,继续推进民航公安机关和海关缉私部门管理体制改革。规范警务辅助人员管理制度。(35) Improving the institutions and mechanisms for impartial law enforcement and administration of justiceWe will refine the institutions and mechanisms for ensuring that supervisory organs, public security organs, procuratorates, courts, and administrative departments for justice all fulfill their respective functions and that powers of supervision, investigation, procuratorate, adjudication, and enforcement complement and constrain each other. This will ensure that law enforcement and judicial activities are subject to effective checks and oversight at every link and stage in the process. We will deepen the reforms to separate adjudicatory and enforcement powers, improve the national system for law enforcement, and see that the parties concerned, the procuratorates, and the public exercise oversight throughout the process of enforcement activities. We will improve the system for providing legal remedies and protection during the course of law enforcement and judicial activities as well as the system for granting state compensation. We will increase the transparency of judicial work and improve relevant procedures. We will also enforce and enhance judicial accountability. The establishment of special courts will be regulated. We will further the reforms related to the jurisdiction of administrative cases where jurisdiction is defined by subject matter, exercised in a centralized manner, or established in another region. We will develop institutions and mechanisms for coordinated, efficient policing, advance the reform of staffing management in public security organs at the local level, and continue to reform the management systems in the civil aviation public security organs and the anti-smuggling departments of customs authorities. We will standardize the management of police auxiliaries.坚持正确人权观,加强人权执法司法保障,完善事前审查、事中监督、事后纠正等工作机制,完善涉及公民人身权利强制措施以及查封、扣押、冻结等强制措施的制度,依法查处利用职权徇私枉法、非法拘禁、刑讯逼供等犯罪行为。推进刑事案件律师辩护全覆盖。建立轻微犯罪记录封存制度。Adhering to the correct outlook on human rights, we will provide more effective human rights protection through law enforcement and administration of justice. We will improve the working mechanisms for ex ante review, ongoing oversight, and ex post redress and refine the system for coercive measures that concern the personal rights of citizens as well as the sealing, sequestering, and freezing of assets. We will investigate and prosecute, in accordance with the law, the abuse of power to bend the law for personal gain, illegal detention, the use of torture to extort confessions, and other similar offences. We will see that lawyer defense is provided in all criminal cases and introduce a system to seal records for minor offences.(36)完善推进法治社会建设机制。健全覆盖城乡的公共法律服务体系,深化律师制度、公证体制、仲裁制度、调解制度、司法鉴定管理体制改革。改进法治宣传教育,完善以实践为导向的法学院校教育培养机制。加强和改进未成年人权益保护,强化未成年人犯罪预防和治理,制定专门矫治教育规定。(36) Improving the mechanisms for building a law-based societyWe will improve the public legal services system covering both urban and rural populations and further reform the systems related to lawyers, notarization, arbitration, mediation, and forensic evidence management. We will adopt more effective methods to raise public awareness of the rule of law and refine the practice-oriented approach to law school education. We will better protect the rights and interests of minors, step up efforts to prevent and control juvenile delinquency, and formulate special regulations on correction and education.(37)加强涉外法治建设。建立一体推进涉外立法、执法、司法、守法和法律服务、法治人才培养的工作机制。完善涉外法律法规体系和法治实施体系,深化执法司法国际合作。完善涉外民事法律关系中当事人依法约定管辖、选择适用域外法等司法审判制度。健全国际商事仲裁和调解制度,培育国际一流仲裁机构、律师事务所。积极参与国际规则制定。(37) Strengthening the rule of law in foreign-related affairsWe will establish mechanisms for taking a holistic approach to promoting legislation, law enforcement, administration of justice, observance of the law, legal services, and the training of legal professionals for foreign-related affairs. We will improve the system of foreign-related laws and regulations and the systems for enforcing the rule of law and work to deepen international cooperation in law enforcement and administration of justice. We will refine the judicial system that allows the parties in foreign-related civil lawsuits to lawfully enter into jurisdictional agreements and choose applicable extraterritorial laws. We will improve the arbitration and mediation system for international commercial disputes and cultivate world-class arbitration organizations and law firms. We will actively participate in the formulation of international rules.十、深化文化体制机制改革X. Deepening Reform in the Cultural Sector中国式现代化是物质文明和精神文明相协调的现代化。必须增强文化自信,发展社会主义先进文化,弘扬革命文化,传承中华优秀传统文化,加快适应信息技术迅猛发展新形势,培育形成规模宏大的优秀文化人才队伍,激发全民族文化创新创造活力。Chinese modernization is the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement. We must boost our cultural confidence and work to develop advanced socialist culture, promote revolutionary culture, and carry forward fine traditional Chinese culture. We must move faster to stay abreast of new dramatic developments in information technology, cultivate a vast pool of talented personnel in the field of culture, and ignite the cultural creativity of the entire nation.(38)完善意识形态工作责任制。健全用党的创新理论武装全党、教育人民、指导实践工作体系,完善党委(党组)理论学习中心组学习制度,完善思想政治工作体系。创新马克思主义理论研究和建设工程,实施哲学社会科学创新工程,构建中国哲学社会科学自主知识体系。完善新闻发言人制度。构建适应全媒体生产传播工作机制和评价体系,推进主流媒体系统性变革。完善舆论引导机制和舆情应对协同机制。(38) Improving the responsibility system for ideological workWe will refine the working systems for arming all Party members, educating the people, and guiding our practice with the Party’s new theories. We will improve the system under which the theoretical study groups of Party committees (leading Party members groups) hold regular study sessions, as well as the system for theoretical and political work. We will develop new approaches in the project to study and develop Marxist theory and promote innovation in philosophy and social sciences with a view to building a Chinese intellectual system in this field. We will improve the spokesperson system, develop content production and communication mechanisms as well as assessment systems for all forms of media, and promote a systemic transformation in mainstream media. We will improve the mechanisms for guiding public opinion and coordinating responses to public opinion incidents.推动理想信念教育常态化制度化。完善培育和践行社会主义核心价值观制度机制。改进创新文明培育、文明实践、文明创建工作机制。实施文明乡风建设工程。优化英模人物宣传学习机制,创新爱国主义教育和各类群众性主题活动组织机制,推动全社会崇尚英雄、缅怀先烈、争做先锋。构建中华传统美德传承体系,健全社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人品德建设体制机制,健全诚信建设长效机制,教育引导全社会自觉遵守法律、遵循公序良俗,坚决反对拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义和历史虚无主义。形成网上思想道德教育分众化、精准化实施机制。建立健全道德领域突出问题协同治理机制,完善“扫黄打非”长效机制。Activities to foster ideals and convictions will be carried out on a regular and institutionalized basis. We will enhance the systems and mechanisms for cultivating and practicing the core socialist values. We will improve and innovate working mechanisms for raising awareness, applying principles, and developing initiatives aimed at promoting cultural-ethical progress. We will launch projects to enhance social etiquette and civility in rural areas. We will refine the mechanisms for publicizing heroes and role models and encouraging people to learn from them and work to develop new mechanisms for promoting patriotism and organizing themed public activities, in an effort to create a social atmosphere in which people look up to heroes, pay tribute to martyrs, and strive to become pioneers. We will establish a system for carrying forward traditional Chinese virtues and improve the institutions and mechanisms for cultivating social morality, work ethics, family values, and personal integrity. We will refine the long-term mechanisms for promoting integrity and credibility and provide public education and guidance so that all members of society readily abide by the law and respect public order and moral standards. We will take firm steps to oppose money worship, hedonism, egocentricity, and historical nihilism. We will develop mechanisms to provide online theoretical and ethical education in a differentiated and targeted manner. We will establish better mechanisms for addressing serious ethical problems in a coordinated way and improve the long-term mechanisms for combating pornography and illegal publications.(39)优化文化服务和文化产品供给机制。完善公共文化服务体系,建立优质文化资源直达基层机制,健全社会力量参与公共文化服务机制,推进公共文化设施所有权和使用权分置改革。深化文化领域国资国企改革,分类推进文化事业单位深化内部改革,完善文艺院团建设发展机制。(39) Refining the mechanisms for supplying cultural services and productsWe will improve the system of public cultural services, establishing mechanisms for channeling quality cultural resources directly to the community level, improving the mechanisms through which nongovernmental actors participate in the supply of public cultural services, and advancing reforms to separate the ownership and use rights for public cultural facilities. In the cultural sector, we will continue with the reform of state capital and SOEs, deepen the internal reform of public institutions on a categorized basis, and improve the mechanisms for developing theater troupes.坚持以人民为中心的创作导向,坚持出成果和出人才相结合、抓作品和抓环境相贯通,改进文艺创作生产服务、引导、组织工作机制。健全文化产业体系和市场体系,完善文化经济政策。探索文化和科技融合的有效机制,加快发展新型文化业态。深化文化领域行政审批备案制度改革,加强事中事后监管。深化文娱领域综合治理。We will remain committed to people-centered cultural creation and stay focused on both literary and artistic production and talent cultivation, and on both producing fine works and fostering a favorable environment for creation. On this basis, we will improve the working mechanisms for serving, guiding, and organizing literary and artistic creation and production. We will refine the systems for cultural industries and markets as well as economic policies concerning the development of the cultural sector. We will explore effective mechanisms for integrating culture with science and technology and step up our efforts to foster new forms of cultural business. We will further reform the systems for culture-related government review and approval and record keeping so as to strengthen ongoing and ex post oversight. Comprehensive governance of the cultural and recreational industries will be advanced.建立文化遗产保护传承工作协调机构,建立文化遗产保护督察制度,推动文化遗产系统性保护和统一监管。构建中华文明标识体系。健全文化和旅游深度融合发展体制机制。完善全民健身公共服务体系,改革完善竞技体育管理体制和运行机制。We will establish coordination agencies for preserving and passing down our cultural heritage and put in place an inspection system for cultural heritage protection to facilitate systematic protection and unified supervision. We will institute a system of the defining symbols of Chinese culture and refine institutions and mechanisms for promoting the full integration of culture and tourism. We will improve the public fitness services system and carry out reforms to refine the management systems and operating mechanisms for competitive sports.(40)健全网络综合治理体系。深化网络管理体制改革,整合网络内容建设和管理职能,推进新闻宣传和网络舆论一体化管理。完善生成式人工智能发展和管理机制。加强网络空间法治建设,健全网络生态治理长效机制,健全未成年人网络保护工作体系。(40) Improving the system for comprehensive cyberspace governanceWe will deepen reform of the internet management system, combine the functions of online content development and management, and promote integrated management of media communication and online public opinion. We will improve the mechanisms for developing and managing generative artificial intelligence. We will step up the law-based governance of cyberspace, improve the long-term governance mechanisms for the online environment, and refine the system for protecting minors in cyberspace.(41)构建更有效力的国际传播体系。推进国际传播格局重构,深化主流媒体国际传播机制改革创新,加快构建多渠道、立体式对外传播格局。加快构建中国话语和中国叙事体系,全面提升国际传播效能。建设全球文明倡议践行机制。推动走出去、请进来管理便利化,扩大国际人文交流合作。(41) Establishing a more effective international communication systemWe will move ahead with restructuring China’s international communication framework and deepen the reform and innovation of our mainstream media’s international communication mechanisms in a bid to accelerate the development of a multi-channel and multi-dimensional architecture. We will move faster to develop China’s discourse and narrative systems with a view to making our international communication more effective. Mechanisms for promoting the implementation of the Global Civilization Initiative will be established. We will work to facilitate both outbound and inbound visits to promote broader international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation.十一、健全保障和改善民生制度体系XI. Ensuring and Improving the People’s Wellbeing在发展中保障和改善民生是中国式现代化的重大任务。必须坚持尽力而为、量力而行,完善基本公共服务制度体系,加强普惠性、基础性、兜底性民生建设,解决好人民最关心最直接最现实的利益问题,不断满足人民对美好生活的向往。Ensuring and enhancing the people’s wellbeing in the course of development is one of the major tasks of Chinese modernization. In line with the principle of doing everything within our means, we will refine the systems of basic public services, with the focus on providing inclusive services, meeting essential needs, and providing a cushion for those most in need. We will strive to resolve the most practical problems that are of the greatest and most direct concern to the people so as to meet people’s aspirations for a better life.(42)完善收入分配制度。构建初次分配、再分配、第三次分配协调配套的制度体系,提高居民收入在国民收入分配中的比重,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重。完善劳动者工资决定、合理增长、支付保障机制,健全按要素分配政策制度。完善税收、社会保障、转移支付等再分配调节机制。支持发展公益慈善事业。(42) Improving the income distribution systemWe will build an institutional framework under which primary distribution, redistribution, and tertiary distribution are well coordinated and mutually complementary. We will work to raise the share of personal income in the distribution of national income and give more weight to work remuneration in primary distribution. We will improve the mechanisms for determining wages, ensuring that they are increased at a reasonable rate and that they are paid in full, and refine the policy system for distribution based on factors of production. We will improve the redistribution mechanisms such as taxation, social security, and transfer payments. We will support the development of public interest activities and charities.规范收入分配秩序,规范财富积累机制,多渠道增加城乡居民财产性收入,形成有效增加低收入群体收入、稳步扩大中等收入群体规模、合理调节过高收入的制度体系。深化国有企业工资决定机制改革,合理确定并严格规范国有企业各级负责人薪酬、津贴补贴等。We will keep income distribution and the means of accumulating wealth well-regulated, open more avenues for urban and rural residents to increase their property incomes, and put in place systems to effectively boost the incomes of low-income earners, steadily expand the size of the middle-income group, and properly regulate excessive incomes. We will further reform the salary-setting mechanism for SOEs and rationally determine and strictly regulate the remuneration standards, allowances, and benefits for SOE executives at all levels.(43)完善就业优先政策。健全高质量充分就业促进机制,完善就业公共服务体系,着力解决结构性就业矛盾。完善高校毕业生、农民工、退役军人等重点群体就业支持体系,健全终身职业技能培训制度。统筹城乡就业政策体系,同步推进户籍、用人、档案等服务改革,优化创业促进就业政策环境,支持和规范发展新就业形态。完善促进机会公平制度机制,畅通社会流动渠道。完善劳动关系协商协调机制,加强劳动者权益保障。(43) Improving the employment-first policyWe will develop sound mechanisms for promoting high-quality and full employment, refine the related public services system, and work hard to tackle structural unemployment. We will improve the system of employment support for key groups such as college graduates, rural migrant workers, and ex-service members and the system of lifelong vocational skills training. We will coordinate urban and rural employment policies, simultaneously advance service reforms related to household registration, human resources, and personnel records, improve the policy environment to boost employment by encouraging business startups, and support and regulate the development of new forms of employment. We will improve the systems and mechanisms for promoting equality of opportunity and see that the channels for social mobility are unimpeded. We will refine the mechanisms for labor relation consultations and mediation and do more to safeguard workers’ rights and interests.(44)健全社会保障体系。完善基本养老保险全国统筹制度,健全全国统一的社保公共服务平台。健全社保基金保值增值和安全监管体系。健全基本养老、基本医疗保险筹资和待遇合理调整机制,逐步提高城乡居民基本养老保险基础养老金。健全灵活就业人员、农民工、新就业形态人员社保制度,扩大失业、工伤、生育保险覆盖面,全面取消在就业地参保户籍限制,完善社保关系转移接续政策。加快发展多层次多支柱养老保险体系,扩大年金制度覆盖范围,推行个人养老金制度。发挥各类商业保险补充保障作用。推进基本医疗保险省级统筹,深化医保支付方式改革,完善大病保险和医疗救助制度,加强医保基金监管。健全社会救助体系。健全保障妇女儿童合法权益制度。完善残疾人社会保障制度和关爱服务体系。(44) Improving the social security systemWe will improve the system for unified national management of basic old-age insurance funds and the unified national platform for social insurance public services. We will develop sound systems for ensuring that social security funds are kept safe through supervision and their value is maintained and increased over time. We will refine the mechanisms for financing basic old-age insurance and basic medical insurance and for adjusting the benefits of both as appropriate. Basic pension benefits for rural and non-working urban residents under the basic old-age insurance scheme will be raised gradually. We will build a sound social security system to serve people in flexible employment, rural migrant workers, and those in new forms of employment and expand the coverage of unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, and childbirth insurance programs. We will see to it that all restrictions preventing people from accessing social security in the places where they work but do not hold permanent residency are lifted and that policies for transferring social security accounts are improved. We will move faster to develop a multi-tiered, multi-pillar old-age insurance system, expand the coverage of the annuity system, and promote the implementation of private pension schemes. We will leverage various commercial insurance schemes as a supplementary support. We will work toward provincial-level unified management of basic medical insurance funds, further reform medical insurance payment models, improve major disease insurance and medical assistance schemes, and tighten oversight over medical insurance funds. We will improve the social assistance system, the system for protecting the lawful rights and interests of women and children, and the social security and service systems for people with disabilities.加快建立租购并举的住房制度,加快构建房地产发展新模式。加大保障性住房建设和供给,满足工薪群体刚性住房需求。支持城乡居民多样化改善性住房需求。充分赋予各城市政府房地产市场调控自主权,因城施策,允许有关城市取消或调减住房限购政策、取消普通住宅和非普通住宅标准。改革房地产开发融资方式和商品房预售制度。完善房地产税收制度。We will move faster to establish a housing system that supports both housing rentals and purchases and foster a new development model for the real estate sector. We will scale up the building and supply of government-subsidized housing to meet the essential need of salaried people for a home to live in. We will also work to support the diverse needs of urban and rural residents for better housing. Municipal governments will be given greater decision-making powers to regulate the real estate market, and based on local conditions, some cities will be permitted to abolish or reduce restrictions on housing purchases and to scrap relevant standards for ordinary and non-ordinary housing. We will carry out reforms to change the way real estate development is financed and to improve the advance purchase system for commodity housing. Improvements will also be made to the taxation system in the real estate sector.(45)深化医药卫生体制改革。实施健康优先发展战略,健全公共卫生体系,促进社会共治、医防协同、医防融合,强化监测预警、风险评估、流行病学调查、检验检测、应急处置、医疗救治等能力。促进医疗、医保、医药协同发展和治理。促进优质医疗资源扩容下沉和区域均衡布局,加快建设分级诊疗体系,推进紧密型医联体建设,强化基层医疗卫生服务。深化以公益性为导向的公立医院改革,建立以医疗服务为主导的收费机制,完善薪酬制度,建立编制动态调整机制。引导规范民营医院发展。创新医疗卫生监管手段。健全支持创新药和医疗器械发展机制,完善中医药传承创新发展机制。(45) Further reforming the medical and healthcare systemsWe will implement a health-first strategy. We will improve the public health system, promoting public participation as well as collaboration and integration between hospitals and disease prevention and control institutions and boosting capacities for disease monitoring and early warning, risk assessment, epidemiological investigation, testing and inspection, emergency response, and medical treatment. We will support coordinated development and governance of medical services, medical insurance, and pharmaceuticals. We will do more to increase the availability of quality medical resources and see that such resources are channeled toward the community level and more evenly distributed among regions. We will move faster to develop the tiered diagnosis and treatment system, propel the development of tightly knit medical consortia, and upgrade the services of community-level medical and healthcare institutions. We will deepen the reform of public hospitals to see that they better serve the public interest, establish mechanisms whereby medical expenses are primarily based on medical services, improve the remuneration system, and set up a mechanism for making dynamic staffing adjustments. We will guide and better regulate the development of private hospitals and introduce new approaches in the supervision of medical and healthcare services. We will improve the mechanisms for supporting the development of innovative drugs and medical equipment and for promoting the preservation and innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine.(46)健全人口发展支持和服务体系。以应对老龄化、少子化为重点完善人口发展战略,健全覆盖全人群、全生命周期的人口服务体系,促进人口高质量发展。完善生育支持政策体系和激励机制,推动建设生育友好型社会。有效降低生育、养育、教育成本,完善生育休假制度,建立生育补贴制度,提高基本生育和儿童医疗公共服务水平,加大个人所得税抵扣力度。加强普惠育幼服务体系建设,支持用人单位办托、社区嵌入式托育、家庭托育点等多种模式发展。把握人口流动客观规律,推动相关公共服务随人走,促进城乡、区域人口合理集聚、有序流动。(46) Improving the systems for supporting population development and providing related servicesWe will improve the population development strategy in response to population aging and the declining birth rate. A sound system will be instituted to provide full life-cycle population services to all in order to promote high-quality population development. We will refine the policy system and incentive mechanisms for boosting the birth rate and strive to build a childbirth-friendly society. We will work to bring down the costs of childbirth, parenting, and education, refine parental leave policies, introduce a system of childbirth subsidies, improve basic public services for childbirth and pediatric medical care, and further raise the childcare-related deduction for personal income tax. We will make greater efforts to develop a public-benefit childcare service system and provide support for employer-run nurseries, community childcare facilities, and home-based childcare. Based on the general patterns underlying population flows, we will see that public services follow the movement of populations and facilitate the reasonable concentration of people in and their orderly flow between urban and rural areas and different regions.积极应对人口老龄化,完善发展养老事业和养老产业政策机制。发展银发经济,创造适合老年人的多样化、个性化就业岗位。按照自愿、弹性原则,稳妥有序推进渐进式延迟法定退休年龄改革。优化基本养老服务供给,培育社区养老服务机构,健全公办养老机构运营机制,鼓励和引导企业等社会力量积极参与,推进互助性养老服务,促进医养结合。加快补齐农村养老服务短板。改善对孤寡、残障失能等特殊困难老年人的服务,加快建立长期护理保险制度。To actively respond to population aging, we will refine the policies and mechanisms for developing elderly care programs and industries. We will develop the silver economy and support the creation of diverse jobs tailored to elderly people. In line with the principle of voluntary participation with appropriate flexibility, we will advance reform to gradually raise the statutory retirement age in a prudent and orderly manner. To boost the supply of basic elderly care services, we will develop community-based facilities, improve the operation mechanisms for public-run institutions, encourage and guide the participation of enterprises and other non-governmental actors in service provision, and promote mutual-aid elderly care and the integration of medical care and elderly care. We will work faster to shore up weaknesses in rural elderly care services. We will also see to it that better services are provided for elderly people with special difficulties including those who live alone, have disabilities, or suffer from physical impairment, and accelerate the introduction of insurance schemes for long-term care.十二、深化生态文明体制改革XII. Deepening Reform in Ecological Conservation中国式现代化是人与自然和谐共生的现代化。必须完善生态文明制度体系,协同推进降碳、减污、扩绿、增长,积极应对气候变化,加快完善落实绿水青山就是金山银山理念的体制机制。Chinese modernization is the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature. We must work to improve ecological conservation systems and make concerted efforts to cut carbon emissions, reduce pollution, pursue green development, and boost economic growth. We must actively respond to climate change and move faster to improve the institutions and mechanisms for applying the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.(47)完善生态文明基础体制。实施分区域、差异化、精准管控的生态环境管理制度,健全生态环境监测和评价制度。建立健全覆盖全域全类型、统一衔接的国土空间用途管制和规划许可制度。健全自然资源资产产权制度和管理制度体系,完善全民所有自然资源资产所有权委托代理机制,建立生态环境保护、自然资源保护利用和资产保值增值等责任考核监督制度。完善国家生态安全工作协调机制。编纂生态环境法典。(47) Improving the basic systems for ecological conservationWe will implement region-specific environmental management systems featuring differentiated, targeted regulation and improve the systems for environmental monitoring and assessment. We will establish sound, united, well-aligned systems for regulating the use of territorial space of all types across the country and for approving territorial space plans. To improve the property rights and management systems for natural resource assets, we will refine the mechanism for the delegation of ownership over public-owned natural resource assets and establish systems for assessing and supervising performance in terms of protecting the environment, protecting and utilizing natural resources, and ensuring that natural resource assets hold their value and appreciate. We will improve the coordination mechanism for ensuring national ecological security. An environmental code will be compiled.(48)健全生态环境治理体系。推进生态环境治理责任体系、监管体系、市场体系、法律法规政策体系建设。完善精准治污、科学治污、依法治污制度机制,落实以排污许可制为核心的固定污染源监管制度,建立新污染物协同治理和环境风险管控体系,推进多污染物协同减排。深化环境信息依法披露制度改革,构建环境信用监管体系。推动重要流域构建上下游贯通一体的生态环境治理体系。全面推进以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设。(48) Improving environmental governance systemsWe will develop responsibility, oversight, and market systems as well as laws, regulations, and policies to improve environmental governance. We will refine the institutions and mechanisms for ensuring that pollution control practices are targeted, grounded in science, and law-based, and implement an oversight system for stationary pollution sources centered on emissions permits. We will establish systems for the coordinated treatment of new pollutants and management of environmental risks and make a coordinated push to reduce the discharge of various pollutants. The reform to advance the law-based disclosure of environmental information will continue, and an environmental credibility oversight system will be put into place. We will develop systems for integrated upstream-downstream environmental governance in major river basins. Comprehensive efforts will be made to develop the national park-based system of protected areas.落实生态保护红线管理制度,健全山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和系统治理机制,建设多元化生态保护修复投入机制。落实水资源刚性约束制度,全面推行水资源费改税。强化生物多样性保护工作协调机制。健全海洋资源开发保护制度。健全生态产品价值实现机制。深化自然资源有偿使用制度改革。推进生态综合补偿,健全横向生态保护补偿机制,统筹推进生态环境损害赔偿。We will implement the management system for ecological conservation redlines, improve the mechanisms for integrated protection and systematic governance of mountain, water, forest, farmland, grassland, and desert ecosystems, and develop multiple funding mechanisms for ecosystem protection and restoration. We will enforce the system of mandatory limits on the use of water resources and replace the water resource fee with a tax nationwide. The coordination mechanism for biodiversity protection will be enhanced, and the systems for developing and protecting marine resources will be improved. We will refine the mechanisms for realizing the market value of ecosystem goods and services. We will further reform the system of paid use for natural resources. We will advance comprehensive compensation for ecological conservation, improve the trans-regional compensation mechanism for ecological conservation, and take coordinated steps to promote compensation for environmental damage.(49)健全绿色低碳发展机制。实施支持绿色低碳发展的财税、金融、投资、价格政策和标准体系,发展绿色低碳产业,健全绿色消费激励机制,促进绿色低碳循环发展经济体系建设。优化政府绿色采购政策,完善绿色税制。完善资源总量管理和全面节约制度,健全废弃物循环利用体系。健全煤炭清洁高效利用机制。加快规划建设新型能源体系,完善新能源消纳和调控政策措施。完善适应气候变化工作体系。建立能耗双控向碳排放双控全面转型新机制。构建碳排放统计核算体系、产品碳标识认证制度、产品碳足迹管理体系,健全碳市场交易制度、温室气体自愿减排交易制度,积极稳妥推进碳达峰碳中和。(49) Improving the mechanisms for green and low-carbon developmentWe will implement fiscal, tax, financial, investment, and pricing policies as well as standards to support green and low-carbon development, develop green and low-carbon industries, improve incentive mechanisms for eco-friendly consumer spending, and work toward an economy that facilitates green, low-carbon, and circular development. We will optimize policies on green government procurement and refine the green taxation system. We will improve the systems for total resource consumption control and comprehensive resource conservation, as well as the system for recycling waste and used materials. Mechanisms for ensuring clean and efficient use of coal will be refined. We will accelerate the planning and development of a new type of energy system and improve the policies and measures for promoting the absorption of electricity generated from new energy sources into power grids and for the regulation of such energy. Improvements will be made to the working systems for adapting to climate change. New mechanisms will be put in place to facilitate the transition from controlling the total amount and intensity of energy consumption to controlling the total amount and intensity of carbon emissions. We will establish a carbon emissions statistics and accounting system, a carbon labeling and certification system, as well as a carbon footprint management system. We will also improve the cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions and the trading system for voluntary greenhouse gas emissions reduction. On this basis, we will actively and prudently move toward reaching peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality.十三、推进国家安全体系和能力现代化XIII. Modernizing China’s National Security System and Capacity国家安全是中国式现代化行稳致远的重要基础。必须全面贯彻总体国家安全观,完善维护国家安全体制机制,实现高质量发展和高水平安全良性互动,切实保障国家长治久安。National security provides a pivotal foundation for ensuring steady and sustained progress in Chinese modernization. We must fully apply a holistic approach to national security, improve the institutions and mechanisms for safeguarding national security, and ensure that high-quality development and greater security reinforce each other, so as to safeguard the country’s long-term stability and security.(50)健全国家安全体系。强化国家安全工作协调机制,完善国家安全法治体系、战略体系、政策体系、风险监测预警体系,完善重点领域安全保障体系和重要专项协调指挥体系。构建联动高效的国家安全防护体系,推进国家安全科技赋能。(50) Improving the national security systemThe mechanisms for coordinating national security work will be strengthened. We will improve the legal, strategy, policy, and risk monitoring and early warning systems for national security, the systems for safeguarding security in key sectors, and the coordination and command systems for major projects. We will create a coordinated and highly effective system for protecting national security and better leverage science and technology to safeguard national security.(51)完善公共安全治理机制。健全重大突发公共事件处置保障体系,完善大安全大应急框架下应急指挥机制,强化基层应急基础和力量,提高防灾减灾救灾能力。完善安全生产风险排查整治和责任倒查机制。完善食品药品安全责任体系。健全生物安全监管预警防控体系。加强网络安全体制建设,建立人工智能安全监管制度。(51) Improving the public security governance mechanismsWe will improve the response and support system for major public emergencies, refine the emergency response command mechanisms under the overall safety and emergency response framework, bolster response infrastructure and capabilities in local communities, and strengthen capacity for disaster prevention, mitigation, and relief. The mechanisms for identifying and addressing workplace safety risks and for conducting retroactive investigations to determine liability will be improved. We will refine the food and drug safety responsibility system, as well as the systems of monitoring, early warning, and risk prevention and control for biosafety and biosecurity. We will strengthen the cybersecurity system and institute oversight systems to ensure the safety of artificial intelligence.(52)健全社会治理体系。坚持和发展新时代“枫桥经验”,健全党组织领导的自治、法治、德治相结合的城乡基层治理体系,完善共建共治共享的社会治理制度。探索建立全国统一的人口管理制度。健全社会工作体制机制,加强党建引领基层治理,加强社会工作者队伍建设,推动志愿服务体系建设。推进信访工作法治化。提高市域社会治理能力,强化市民热线等公共服务平台功能,健全“高效办成一件事”重点事项清单管理机制和常态化推进机制。健全社会心理服务体系和危机干预机制。健全发挥家庭家教家风建设在基层治理中作用的机制。深化行业协会商会改革。健全社会组织管理制度。(52) Improving the social governance systemWe will apply and further develop the Fengqiao model for promoting community-level governance in the new era, enhance the Party organization-led urban and rural community governance system based on self-governance, the rule of law, and the rule of virtue, and improve the social governance system based on collaboration, participation, and benefit sharing. We will explore avenues for establishing a unified national population management system. We will improve the institutions and mechanisms for social work, better guide community-level governance through Party building, strengthen the ranks of social workers, and advance the development of the volunteer service system. We will promote law-based handling of public complaints and proposals. To improve the social governance capacity of cities, steps will be taken to ensure that citizen hotlines and other public service platforms function more effectively. To advance one-stop government services, we will improve the list-based management mechanism for relevant major tasks as well as the mechanism for ensuring ongoing progress. We will improve the system for public psychological and counseling services and crisis intervention mechanisms. We will refine the mechanisms for giving full play to the role of family ties, values, and traditions in community-level social governance. Reform of trade associations and chambers of commerce will be furthered. Improvements will be made to the management system for social organizations.健全乡镇(街道)职责和权力、资源相匹配制度,加强乡镇(街道)服务管理力量。完善社会治安整体防控体系,健全扫黑除恶常态化机制,依法严惩群众反映强烈的违法犯罪活动。We will enhance the systems for ensuring that the powers and resources of towns and townships (urban sub-districts) are commensurate with their duties, so that they are better able to provide services and conduct management. We will improve the integrated system for maintaining law and order and the mechanism for combating and rooting out organized crime on an ongoing basis, and we will, in accordance with the law, crack down hard on illegal and criminal activities that cause grave public concern. (53)完善涉外国家安全机制。建立健全周边安全工作协调机制。强化海外利益和投资风险预警、防控、保护体制机制,深化安全领域国际执法合作,维护我国公民、法人在海外合法权益。健全反制裁、反干涉、反“长臂管辖”机制。健全维护海洋权益机制。完善参与全球安全治理机制。(53) Improving the mechanisms for ensuring national security in foreign-related affairsWe will establish sound coordination mechanisms for promoting security in neighboring regions. We will strengthen the institutions and mechanisms for early warning, prevention and control, and protection against risks to China’s interests and investments overseas and deepen international law enforcement cooperation in the realm of security, so as to protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens and legal entities overseas. Mechanisms for countering foreign sanctions, interference, and long-arm jurisdiction will be strengthened. We will enhance the mechanisms for safeguarding China’s maritime rights and interests, as well as those for China’s participation in global security governance.十四、持续深化国防和军队改革XIV. Deepening National Defense and Military Reform国防和军队现代化是中国式现代化的重要组成部分。必须坚持党对人民军队的绝对领导,深入实施改革强军战略,为如期实现建军一百年奋斗目标、基本实现国防和军队现代化提供有力保障。National defense and military modernization is an integral part of Chinese modernization. We must maintain the Party’s absolute leadership over the people’s armed forces and fully implement the strategy of strengthening the military through reform, in order to provide a strong guarantee for realizing the centenary goal of the People’s Liberation Army in 2027 and basically modernizing national defense and the armed forces.(54)完善人民军队领导管理体制机制。健全贯彻军委主席负责制的制度机制,深入推进政治建军。优化军委机关部门职能配置,健全战建备统筹推进机制,完善重大决策咨询评估机制,深化战略管理创新,完善军事治理体系。健全依法治军工作机制。完善作战战备、军事人力资源等领域配套政策制度。深化军队院校改革,推动院校内涵式发展。实施军队企事业单位调整改革。(54) Improving the institutions and mechanisms for leading and managing the people’s armed forcesWe will improve the institutions and mechanisms for implementing the system of ultimate responsibility resting with the chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) and continue to enhance political loyalty in the military. We will optimize the functional setup of CMC departments and improve the mechanisms for coordinated advancement of military operations, capacity building, and combat preparedness. We will refine the consultation and evaluation mechanisms for major decisions, develop new approaches to strategic management, and improve the military governance system. We will improve the working mechanisms for running the military in accordance with the law. We will refine the supporting policies and systems for military operations, combat preparedness, military human resources, and other fields. The reform of military academies will be deepened in a bid to fully harness their potential. Military-affiliated enterprises and public institutions will also undergo adjustment and reform.(55)深化联合作战体系改革。完善军委联合作战指挥中心职能,健全重大安全领域指挥功能,建立同中央和国家机关协调运行机制。优化战区联合作战指挥中心编成,完善任务部队联合作战指挥编组模式。加强网络信息体系建设运用统筹。构建新型军兵种结构布局,加快发展战略威慑力量,大力发展新域新质作战力量,统筹加强传统作战力量建设。优化武警部队力量编成。(55) Deepening reform of joint operations systemsWe will refine the functions of the CMC command center for joint operations, enhance its command functions in major security fields, and establish mechanisms for facilitating its coordination with central Party and state departments. We will optimize the composition of the command centers for joint theater operations and improve the configuration of commands for joint taskforce operations. We will better coordinate the development and application of the network information system. To develop a new framework of services and arms, we will speed up the development of strategic deterrence forces and strive to develop new-domain forces with new combat capabilities, while making coordinated efforts to strengthen traditional combat forces. The composition of the armed police force will be improved.(56)深化跨军地改革。健全一体化国家战略体系和能力建设工作机制,完善涉军决策议事协调体制机制。健全国防建设军事需求提报和军地对接机制,完善国防动员体系。深化国防科技工业体制改革,优化国防科技工业布局,改进武器装备采购制度,建立军品设计回报机制,构建武器装备现代化管理体系。完善军地标准化工作统筹机制。加强航天、军贸等领域建设和管理统筹。优化边海防领导管理体制机制,完善党政军警民合力治边机制。深化民兵制度改革。完善双拥工作机制。(56) Deepening military-civilian reformsWe will improve the working mechanisms for developing integrated national strategies and strategic capabilities and refine the institutions and mechanisms for military-related decision-making, deliberation, and coordination. We will improve the mechanisms for submitting and reporting on defense-related military needs and enhancing military-civilian alignment and refine the national defense mobilization system. Reform of the defense-related science, technology, and industry systems will be deepened to upgrade the layout of these areas. We will refine the system for weaponry and equipment procurement, develop reward mechanisms for designing military products, and modernize our weaponry and equipment management system. We will improve the mechanisms for coordinating standards between the military and civilian sectors. We will better coordinate development and management in aerospace, military trade, and other fields. We will optimize the institutions and mechanisms for leading and managing border and coastal defense and improve mechanisms to enable the Party, the government, the military, the police force, and the people to work together on border governance. Reform of the militia system will be furthered. The mechanisms for strengthening mutual support between civilian sectors and the military will be refined.十五、提高党对进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的领导水平XV. Improving the Party’s Leadership党的领导是进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的根本保证。必须深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,保持以党的自我革命引领社会革命的高度自觉,坚持用改革精神和严的标准管党治党,完善党的自我革命制度规范体系,不断推进党的自我净化、自我完善、自我革新、自我提高,确保党始终成为中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心。Leadership by the Party provides a fundamental guarantee for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. We must acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We must be more conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We must stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We must maintain a keen awareness of the need to use the Party’s self-reform to steer social reform and continue to apply both the spirit of reform and rigorous standards in conducting Party self-governance. We will improve the systems and regulations for the Party’s self-reform and continue working to purify, improve, renew, and excel ourselves. All this will enable our Party to remain the strong leadership core in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.(57)坚持党中央对进一步全面深化改革的集中统一领导。党中央领导改革的总体设计、统筹协调、整体推进。完善党中央重大决策部署落实机制,确保党中央令行禁止。各级党委(党组)负责落实党中央决策部署,谋划推进本地区本部门改革,鼓励结合实际开拓创新,创造可复制、可推广的新鲜经验。走好新时代党的群众路线,把社会期盼、群众智慧、专家意见、基层经验充分吸收到改革设计中来。围绕解决突出矛盾设置改革议题,优化重点改革方案生成机制,坚持真理、修正错误,及时发现问题、纠正偏差。完善改革激励和舆论引导机制,营造良好改革氛围。(57) Upholding the Party Central Committee’s centralized, unified leadership over the endeavor to further deepen reform comprehensivelyThe Party Central Committee exercises leadership over the general design, coordination, and overall advancement of all our reforms. We will refine the mechanisms through which the major decisions and plans of the Central Committee are implemented, in order to ensure full compliance with its orders and prohibitions. Party committees (leading Party members groups) at all levels are responsible for implementing the Central Committee’s decisions and plans, planning and advancing reforms in their regions and departments, encouraging pioneering efforts and innovations based on their own situations, and creating new experience that can be applied elsewhere. Continuing to follow the Party’s mass line in the new era, we will fully incorporate social expectations, the people’s wisdom, the views of experts, and primary-level experience into the design of reforms. We will set reform agendas with a focus on solving prominent problems and improve the mechanisms for drawing up key reform plans. We will uphold truth, correct errors, and discover problems and remedy failings as they arise. We will improve reform incentives and better guide public opinion so as to foster a favorable environment for reform.(58)深化党的建设制度改革。以调动全党抓改革、促发展的积极性、主动性、创造性为着力点,完善党的建设制度机制。加强党的创新理论武装,建立健全以学铸魂、以学增智、以学正风、以学促干长效机制。深化干部人事制度改革,鲜明树立选人用人正确导向,大力选拔政治过硬、敢于担当、锐意改革、实绩突出、清正廉洁的干部,着力解决干部乱作为、不作为、不敢为、不善为问题。树立和践行正确政绩观,健全有效防范和纠治政绩观偏差工作机制。落实“三个区分开来”,激励干部开拓进取、干事创业。推进领导干部能上能下常态化,加大调整不适宜担任现职干部力度。健全常态化培训特别是基本培训机制,强化专业训练和实践锻炼,全面提高干部现代化建设能力。完善和落实领导干部任期制,健全领导班子主要负责人变动交接制度。增强党组织政治功能和组织功能。探索加强新经济组织、新社会组织、新就业群体党的建设有效途径。完善党员教育管理、作用发挥机制。完善党内法规,增强党内法规权威性和执行力。(58) Deepening institutional reforms related to Party buildingWith a focus on boosting the whole Party’s drive, initiative, and creativity for reform and development, we will improve the systems and mechanisms for Party building. We will further arm ourselves with the Party’s new theories and set up sound long-term mechanisms for reinforcing commitment, acquiring knowledge, improving conduct, and enhancing performance through learning. We will further reform the management system for officials and personnel and firmly follow the right approach to selecting and appointing officials. Officials who are politically committed, highly responsible, determined to pursue reform, outstanding in performance, and honest and clean, must be selected; and the problem of officials acting arbitrarily or lacking the willingness, courage, or ability to deliver must be addressed. We will see that officials have a correct understanding of what it means to perform well and improve the mechanisms for effectively preventing and correcting any misguided views about achievements. We will apply the “three distinctions” to encourage officials to forge ahead in a pioneering spirit and demonstrate enterprise in their work. We will make an ongoing effort to ensure that officials can be demoted as well as promoted and make a stronger push to replace those who are no longer suitable for their posts. We will improve the mechanisms for providing regular training, and basic training in particular, for officials, give them more professional training opportunities, and temper them through practice, in order to make them fully capable of advancing modernization initiatives. The tenure system for leading officials will be refined and fully applied, and the handover system for the heads of leadership teams will be improved. We will strengthen the political and organizational functions of Party organizations. We will look into effective ways of Party building in new types of economic and social organizations and among groups in new forms of employment. We will improve the mechanisms for guiding and managing Party members and giving full play to their roles. We will also refine Party rules and regulations, increase their authority, and fully enforce them.(59)深入推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争。健全政治监督具体化、精准化、常态化机制。锲而不舍落实中央八项规定精神,健全防治形式主义、官僚主义制度机制。持续精简规范会议文件和各类创建示范、评比达标、节庆展会论坛活动,严格控制面向基层的督查、检查、考核总量,提高调研质量,下大气力解决过频过繁问题。制定乡镇(街道)履行职责事项清单,健全为基层减负长效机制。建立经常性和集中性相结合的纪律教育机制,深化运用监督执纪“四种形态”,综合发挥党的纪律教育约束、保障激励作用。(59) Intensifying efforts to improve conduct, build integrity, and combat corruptionMechanisms for conducting concrete, targeted, and regular political oversight will be improved. We will steadfastly implement the central Party leadership’s eight-point decision on improving conduct and refine our systems and mechanisms for preventing and tackling pointless formalities and bureaucratism. We will continue to streamline and standardize meetings and documents, as well as all types of demonstration initiatives, evaluations, standards inspections, festival celebrations, expositions and exhibitions, and forums; strictly control the total number of community-level inspections, examinations, and evaluations; and raise the quality of research and studies. Great effort will be made to address the excessive frequency of all these activities. We will formulate lists of duties for towns and townships (urban sub-districts) and refine the long-term mechanisms for reducing their burdens. We will set up mechanisms for carrying out regular and intensive education on Party discipline and better exercise four forms of oversight over discipline compliance, thus ensuring we make full use of Party discipline as a guide, restraint, guarantee, and incentive.完善一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐工作机制,着力铲除腐败滋生的土壤和条件。健全不正之风和腐败问题同查同治机制,深化整治权力集中、资金密集、资源富集领域腐败,严肃查处政商勾连破坏政治生态和经济发展环境问题,完善对重点行贿人的联合惩戒机制,丰富防治新型腐败和隐性腐败的有效办法。加强诬告行为治理。健全追逃防逃追赃机制。加强新时代廉洁文化建设。We will improve the mechanisms for coordinating efforts to ensure that officials do not have the audacity, opportunity, or desire to be corrupt and work hard to eradicate the breeding grounds and conditions for corruption. We will improve the mechanisms for investigating and addressing instances of both misconduct and corruption, intensify efforts to uproot corruption in sectors with a high concentration of power, funds, and resources, and strictly investigate and deal with any collusion between government officials and businesspeople that undermines the political ecosystem and economic development. We will refine the mechanisms for taking joint punitive actions against major bribe givers and adopt more measures to effectively prevent and control new and disguised forms of corruption. We will take stronger steps to handle false accusations. We will improve the mechanisms for pursuing fugitives, preventing escape, and retrieving stolen assets. We will see that a culture of integrity prevails in the new era. 完善党和国家监督体系。强化全面从严治党主体责任和监督责任。健全加强对“一把手”和领导班子监督配套制度。完善权力配置和运行制约机制,反对特权思想和特权现象。推进执纪执法和刑事司法有机衔接。健全巡视巡察工作体制机制。优化监督检查和审查调查机构职能,完善垂直管理单位纪检监察体制,推进向中管企业全面派驻纪检监察组。深化基层监督体制机制改革。推进反腐败国家立法,修改监察法,出台反跨境腐败法。Party and state oversight systems will be improved. We will ensure that principal and oversight responsibilities for full and rigorous Party self-governance are assumed. We will improve the supporting systems for more effective oversight of leadership teams and their heads. We will improve the mechanisms for applying checks over the allocation and exercise of power and oppose privilege-seeking mindsets and behavior. We will work to coordinate discipline and law enforcement with the administration of criminal justice. We will improve the working institutions and mechanisms for discipline inspection. We will optimize the functions of oversight, inspection, review, and investigation agencies, improve the discipline inspection and supervision systems for departments under vertical management, and work to see that discipline inspection and supervision teams are dispatched to all central government-administered enterprises. Institutional reforms for primary-level oversight will be deepened. Steps will be taken to advance national anti-corruption legislation, revise the Supervision Law, and formulate a law on countering transnational corruption.(60)以钉钉子精神抓好改革落实。对党中央进一步全面深化改革的决策部署,全党必须求真务实抓落实、敢作善为抓落实,坚持上下协同、条块结合,科学制定改革任务书、时间表、优先序,明确各项改革实施主体和责任,把重大改革落实情况纳入监督检查和巡视巡察内容,以实绩实效和人民群众满意度检验改革。(60) Ensuring the implementation of reforms with relentless perseveranceThe whole Party must take pragmatic, resolute, and effective steps to ensure implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decisions and plans on further deepening reform comprehensively. We need to work in concert from top to bottom across all departments and regions to set the tasks, timelines, and priorities for reform in a well-conceived way, and designate competent departments for implementing each reform initiative and clearly define their responsibilities. The implementation of major reforms will be subject to oversight and inspection, and the litmus test of reform will lie in how well it performs, what it delivers, and how much satisfaction it brings our people.中国式现代化是走和平发展道路的现代化。对外工作必须坚定奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,推动构建人类命运共同体,践行全人类共同价值,落实全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议,倡导平等有序的世界多极化、普惠包容的经济全球化,深化外事工作机制改革,参与引领全球治理体系改革和建设,坚定维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,为进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化营造良好外部环境。Chinese modernization is the modernization of peaceful development. In diplomatic work, China remains firm in pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace and is dedicated to promoting a human community with a shared future. We will stay committed to the common values of all humanity, pursue the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, and call for an equal and orderly multipolar world and universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We will deepen institutional reforms related to the work of foreign affairs and get involved in leading the reform and development of the global governance system. We will resolutely safeguard China’s sovereignty, security, and development interests and foster a favorable external environment for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization.全党全军全国各族人民要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,高举改革开放旗帜,凝心聚力、奋发进取,为全面建成社会主义现代化强国、实现第二个百年奋斗目标,以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴而努力奋斗。Let the whole Party, the entire military, and Chinese people of all ethnic groups rally more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. Let us hold high the banner of reform and opening up, pool all wisdom and strength, and forge ahead with enterprise. Let us work hard toward the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and strive to advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through Chinese modernization.来源:新华社

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